Chapter Nine: The Long Goodbye

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She didn't understand, not really, anyway.

Emma had told her that being a teenager was tough, that a girl at her age would experience new things, new hopes, dreams, and romances in the future. She had the world at the tip of her fingers but knew there had always been something holding her back.

Maybe it was him. Maybe he, the man she never knew, but always held on to in her heart, was the reason she stood there and smiled so happily when all she wanted to do was cry. Maybe he was the reason she held such a tough front while she watched the only friend she ever had, Aiden, walk away. She would miss him terribly, even if she knew he was safe with Van watching over him.

She never let that one word slip until the very end. "Goodbye..."

It sounded so rough, like they would never see each other again.

Aiden smiled as he slung a heavy arm around his sister's neck. At thirteen years' old, he was a big boy and would only get bigger. Aira knew they wouldn't be together forever but had hoped they would be by each other's side for as long as forever would allow.

Without thinking, Aira wrapped her skinny arms around Aiden and let a few tears fall from her eyes. "Will-will you call?"

Aiden chuckled and threw her that little boy grin she and Emma loved so. "Every day," he promised.

That was enough to keep Aira from going into a fit of hysterical sobs. Although Van had made up an excuse not to receive phone calls, Emma had assured her Aiden would have his cellphone with him every single day.

"Vaughn, you take care of her, 'kay?" Aiden said as he eyed the almost fully grown wolf behind his little sister.

The wolf behind them made no sound. He only nudged Aira's arm lightly, which made the girl smile as she scratched behind his ear. Normally, animals that weren't boarding the planes with their owners weren't allowed to roam freely throughout the airport, but the influential man that stood off in the distance quickly changed their minds. Van still visibly cringed from the name Aira had given the animal, which made her laugh quietly.

Aiden petted Vaughn's head. "Watch my sister, okay? She's a bit of a flake," he laughed.

Aira huffed. "Who's a flake?" she muttered disdainfully.

The large wolf simply stared at Aiden as Aira continued to pet behind his ear. Aiden winked and with a last goodbye to his sister, moved over to his mother.

"See ya soon, Ma," he whispered as he gave Emma a great big bear hug.

Emma wasn't as subtle as her daughter and let the tears fall freely, squeezing her son as tightly as she could. Aira knew that Emma's only wish was that this day would end and Aiden would just come home. However, that was impossible. Aiden's homeland called him — the place where he was born, and in order to mature, as her father and Van had explained, he needed to leave. It would be a long time, and he would be a man when he eventually came home, but it was a sacrifice Emma had said she accepted the day Aiden came into her life. Whatever that meant.

"Take care, my darling boy. If you ever need us, no matter where you are or whom you are with, your father and I will find you. There is no place too far, remember that."

Her face, although stained with tears, forced a ready smile. Emma finally let Aiden free from her hold but continued to hold his hand. Six years, that was a long time. "We'll be big and old like they are when we meet again, Aiden," Aira joked, ignoring the glare her mother threw at her.

Aiden chuckled lightly, trying to cover the soft cry that was threatening to spill out. "I love you, Mom," he said, turning back to his mother.

Emma smiled a smile that showed all the pride that welled in her heart for Aiden. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

Lady and the Wolf [Book One, Lady and the Wolf Series] -Published-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat