My Alpha

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This is my first book on wattpad so let me know what you think about it. Also if you end up not liking my book don't say rude comments please.


Beep...... Beep....... Beep.......

I sighed as I heard the screeching sound of my alarm. I was way to tired to get up. It was.....

Beep..... Beep.... Beep.......

I groaned as I turned away from the loud screeching and put my pillow over my head to drowned out the sound. I jumped a bit when I heard a hand slam down on my alarm and the annoying sound ceased. I turned back around, tossing the pillow off my head.

That's where my mom stood looking cranky as always, in the mornings. Her chestnut hair cascading down her back in messy knots. She looked at me with her crystal blue eyes.

"Why can't you turn your alarm clock off yourself Tyler? I'm getting tired of having to get up and turning it off every morning myself." She said with her small hand still on my alarm clock.

I knew I should start turning it off myself but we have done this since I was 12. The reason for that would be that when a werewolf turns 12 they change for the first time and after that you begin training. And you have to get up at 5:00am every morning just for training. So I just waited for my mom to turn it off. It was just a habit I just couldn't break. Gosh now that I think about it that training was a pain in the ass!

"We do this every morning, what difference does it make?" I whined. I don't whine a lot just in the morning with this conversation. It happens EVERY morning!

And here comes the worst part........

"Well your going to have to get used to waking yourself up when you find your mate. I can't be here with you, you know." She said with a little more irritation than usual.

I let out a heavy sigh as I slapped my pillow over my head again. I did NOT want to talk about this anymore.

It's like you want me to leave!

"Mom you know I'm not ready to meet my mate! Why do you keep bringing it up? Especially in the mornings of all times of the day!" I said with muffled words because of the pillow on my head.

I hate mornings!

I peaked my head out from under the pillow to see my moms eyes soften and she looked a little disappointed. "I'm sorry its just your 19 and most females meet their mates when their 15.........that's all."

I threw the pillow down next to me and got up. I stretched and walked over to my mom stopping about a foot in front of her. I opened my mouth to speak only to be cut off.

"I'm just afraid you won't meet your mate at all." She said in a rush.

Well that's different......

We were silent for a while neither of us not knowing what to say to each other.

"Can we not talk about this now? I need to get dressed and take a shower. Plus I have to meet Beatrice later. So I have to hurry." I said as my eyes met her icy blue ones. She looked at me as though she wanted to say something but she just smiled and said, "Okay, fine. We will talk later."

She turned on her heels and walked out. I started to walk toward my bathroom that is connected to my room when I heard my door slam shut.

I guess she's upset........oh well...see the sarcasm there.

I walked into my medium sized bathroom and locked the door behind me. It had pale blue walls with a jacuzzi style tub with a separate glass shower. The toilet opposite the shower.

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