My Mother

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Read Will it last??by lovestruck19942 It's a cool story! Also if you don't read these books that I mention then I will cry! *tear* They are awesome stories!! Also Team James, Team Thaddeus or Team Peter?? Leave a comment and tell me who's team you are on!! Anyways read on my spiffy little mustaches!! P.S. Pic of Alpha Thaddeus Wood on the side.... even though he is on the cover...

Chapter 5

I looked at the ring, then at Thaddeus, back to the ring , back to Thaddeus, then at the floor. Well shit, how was I going to get myself out of this one?

"Just tell him the truth he will fix it!" My wolf told me.

"Umm how about no!"

"Gosh you are so stupid!"

"Well I'm so sorry I can't please you all the time!!"

"Shut up and tell him the truth! Quit being hard headed!"


"Fine! I'm done with arguing with you!" My wolf said. Finally some peace and quiet!

"Tyler, why is there a wedding ring on your finger?" Thaddeus asked me.

"Ummmmm....." I mumbled not looking up from the ground. Thaddeus put a finger under my chin, tilting my face up to meet his. His other hand snaked around me, pulling me so that he was right in between my legs. I can think of a few things we could be doing in this position.....TYLER get a hold of yourself! Now is not the time to be all hot and bothered!

"I will ask you one more time Tyler. Why is there a wedding ring on your finger?" He asked and I could tell his patients was running thin by the way his eyes had started to turn red.

"Well....... the thing is that um my mother did this really stupid thing and so um now I have to get married to a complete man whore so ya....."  I mumbled out. I opened my eyes realizing I had my eyes closed.

"Who is he?!" Thad growled looking like he was ready to kill someone. Before I could say another word I was on my feet and being pulled toward the huge oak doors. Dammit! I know I absolutely hate Peter and he deserves to be punched......A many different places, but still I don't wish him dead. And I am afraid Thad was going to be the one to put Peters ass in a grave and be the one to dance on it too. Well this is a really fucked up situation! Thad threw open the doors and pulled me into the little area we were standing waiting to go into the meeting room. Thad let go of my hand and looked at me.

"Who is it? Which one of them is it?" He asked scanning my pack group.

"If I tell you what are you going to do to him?" I asked curiously. Thad turned toward me and looked into my eyes.

"I'm going to kill that bastard, gut him like a fish, and then I am going to use his skin as a through rug. Or maybe I'll gut him while he is still alive so he can feel the pain!!" He told me. Well someones upset. By now his hair was white and his eyes were red but I could still see some gray in his eyes so I think his wolf hasn't fully taken over. GREAT! See thy sarcasm!

 "Well then I won't tell you. He is a dick but you can't kill him." I told Thaddeus crossing my arms in front of me.

"Fine I won't kill him. Just tell me." Thaddeus said impatiently.

"His name is Peter. And he is the one over there by the girl with strawberry blonde hair. The one with brown hair not blond also he has a week spot on his wrist.......just saying." What?! He said he wouldn't kill him. Don't judge he deserves everything he is going to get.

"Thank you." Thad said and grabbed my hand as we walked over to where Bea, Peter, and Chase where standing. Peter, Bea and Chase turned around and looked at me. Thaddeus put a possessive arm around my waist as soon as Peter's eyes landed on me. Gosh if he keeps man handling me my stitches are going to pop out of my fucking side! Bea looked at me questioningly and I just mouthed the words 'help me'.

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