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Tuesday and Wednesday rolled by quickly with legal procedures while Valerie tried to savour her last days with Charlie. No one had told Charlie yet, but because he had a inter school competition about Shakespeare and Valerie was helping him prepare about his presentation about Romeo and Juliet. Although, it was a messy affair to start with Charlie and Val just had been arguing about what the judges may ask and how Charlie's innocent answer rather than literary might put him on the bottom of the competition.

"But Valerie, true love has no bounds. They just loved each other so much, that they thought even death was not a big factor to stop their love." Charlie argued

"But Charlie, both of these characters had their tragic flaw. Their so called 'love' killed six people over a span of three days with a help of a priest, mind you." Valerie pointed out.

"But joined the family dispute that occurred between the Capulets and Montague's." Charlie stated a valid point.

"A dispute that wouldn't have had this many casualties, like it did for Romeo and Juliet. Case closed. Point made."

"But that's what made their love so special and divine. They could have been a normal couple ran away and married each other, but what purpose does that serve. Now they both died in the name of such a holy thing, love AND they tied the loose ends between the families. KABAM! Pack your bags and leave." Charlie retorted content with his answer. For a seven year old, he seems to be an expert on love. Valerie shook her head, and raised her hands in surrender.

"Alright, let's get the shakespeare winner some beauty sleep." Valerie declared, picking him on one side dangling like a plane.

"Put me down Val, please." he begged. She just replied a nope and carried him all the way to bed. She dropped him gently and tucked him into bed, reading him a chapter of Hardy Boys. By the time she was done one chapter he was well over in dreamland. She kissed him on his forehead, shut the lights and closed the door. She knew she wouldn't be able to do this tomorrow night. She asked Elle, to take care of him for a few days until she is settled and can talk properly to her dad, to quit one of his night jobs. Elle gladly agreed. She packed her final belonging, and led the suitcase down the stairs pushed it under the empty storage in front the shoe rack, somewhere Charlie could not see.

He woke up by default next morning and headed down after brushing his teeth, which they usually did together ceremoniously. Valerie fixed a quick fruit salad, and OJ. Charlie had the day off to practice for the competition. Valerie was supposed to attend the event at 2 PM and end it at 6, which will give her enough time to pick up her ticket and get an employee I.D picture taken.

Charlie can say his speech in his sleep, that's how well he knew. He just say and ate his breakfast silently, when Valerie finally had the courage to drop hints about her departure later in the day.

"Hey Char, who do you like best? Mum or Dad?" She asked. Charlie intently thought about the questions and said, "you."

Valerie laughed it off awkwardly and replied, "I was not in the options silly, who is it mum or dad? try again." She encouraged him to pick a side.

"It's you Val, I barely knew mum, and I don't know if she's ever going to come back. Dad is never around much, so you're definitely my favourite." He explained.

"What if Dad did hang around, do you think he'll be your favourite then?"

"Maybe, if he comes to my football games regularly and cheers me on and buys me victory ice-cream. But then he'll take your job, so probably no?" He contemplated.

The rest of the breakfast went quiet with the telly humming in the background about the daily news. Charlie put his plate and glass away in the sink, which was a first to Val. The rest of the day was spent lazing around watching re-runs of Mr. Bean with Charlie and picking up some groceries. With still 2 hours to go, Charlie requested Valerie to read him a book because he was bored.

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