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"I can't handle alcohol at all, if it's any consolation" Valerie confessed causing Niall to have a wide grin.

Liam joined the crowd with a sleep Zayn dragging his belonging and his carryon. They file into a uber car and are driven to a hotel. Louis was sat next to Valerie and he gave her a quick rundown of things.

"So everyone is going to be setting up for the tour, so I'll drop you off with the management after two days so you can get used to the jet lag. From then till the day of the tour, you are to follow every thing I tell you. For now, you are free to do whatever you'd please as long as you don't interrupt of have us babysit you." Louis concluded and Valerie just nodded. Then they resumed back to the chatty lads in the car who started questioning about Valerie. The whole car ride went on, with occasional chatter with Zayn trying to slip into a nap again. Liam just smiled at Valerie when their eyes met.

"So what you do, Valerie? Before this?" Liam asked.

"I'm currently a 3rd yr business student at Man U." She replied.

"And you're just 19? wow, that's amaz-"

"Look out guys, we have a student from a football team, and a overachiever here!" Louis remarked at which Niall broke into fits of laughter. Valerie just quieted down and observed the scenery instead, ignoring Louis' mean words.

"WE ARE HERE!" Louis hollered at everyone. He slightly started pushing his butt over the seats so push Zayn who was close to the door, when opened making Zayn to stumble out of the car. Niall giggled like a school at everything Louis did and it was quite amusing to see. They were all led to a line of tour bus with already a small crowd with their luggage. Valerie sees her own and goes along to claim it.

A blonde woman with a business suit comes along and smiles at Valerie, "You must be Valerie?" she questions after a quick nod of confirmation. The woman introduces herself as Sarah, the head of management.

"So there is a slight problem regarding the your stay, the thing is since you were a last minute addition to the team. There are no bunks available in the bus, so I'm afraid you'll have to use the sofa at the entertainment bus. I hope it's alright for you?" Sarah asks with no remorse for Valerie.

Harry who has been ear shot of the conversation comes in saying, "Valerie can use the girlfriend bunk, Eleanor or Sophia are not going to be travelling with us on the tour this time and they are only being flown to the major cities like New York and LA for now. It should be fine." Harry helps out.

"Oh, is that alright with you lads, Harry? I know you guys always keep it in the band to who are in the your sleep bus.." Sarah dragged.

"No, I think it should be alright." He stops her. Sarah quickly nods, and leaves telling us she had other thing to take care of. Valerie quickly thanked Harry for helping her out and asked him if it was really ok and that she did not want to invade their privacy.

"Oh Val, is that ok if I call you Val?" He asked, testing the boundaries of the relationship. Valerie just smiled and nodded.

"The bus is right there that has our face plastered on it, you can't miss it." He instructs trying not to giggle. Valerie struggled to drag her three suitcases, trying not to make a second trip so she does not look weak.

"Oh, here let me help you with that." Harry offers.

"No, it's fine. You probably have important things to take care of." Valerie admitted.

"Oh, don't be silly. It's just the first day." Harry smiles and get her carry one and a drags a wheeled suitcase, leading her to their tour bus. Harry stepped on the bus and steps and pulled the suitcases from Val.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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