Chapter 6-Nothing to talk about

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"There is nothing to talk about"I said trying to go around him,Luke went to go get Zack from my mom while I dealed with this,what a help.

"Come on Rox"he said

"Only my friends call me Rox"I muttered rolling my eyes

"Please just hear me out"he said

"There is nothing to hear,you cheated on me more than once so I dumped you"I said

"Don't you want an explanation"he said

"What's there too explain"I said getting annoyed

"On why I did it"he said

"Honestly I don't care anymore so get out of my way so I can meet my boyfriend outside"I said

"Why are you acting so different"he said

"What do you mean?"I said

"This is the part where I explain then you forgive me and we get back together"he said

"Sorry Prince Charming but I'm taken and I would never want to go out with you again"I said

"Don't you have feelings for me"he said

"No and actually I think they left a while ago but I was to blind to see that"I said

"You know you changed"he said when I walked pass him but only took a couple steps before he talked again

"Jordon.You never knew me at all.Let me tell you something,before we were dating.I was the girl who died all the soccer jerseys pink,I was the girl who glued all of your guys kleets together,I was the girl locked all of the guys in the locker room,I was the girl who took all of your guys clothes and you guys had to walk around with a towel around your waist.And my favorite one,I was the one who called your coach once saying your game got canceled.
So Jordon you don't get to judge me,you just never bothered to get to know the real me cause I changed for you,but guess what I'm back and I'm staying"I say and walk away to Luke

"Hey"I said when I  got down the hill

"Hi Mommy!"Zack said standing up from the grass

"Hi baby"I said puulling him on my hip and giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Do I get one"Luke said getting up

"Nope"I said

"Come on we are dating"he said putting his arm around my waist

"Like I would ever date you"I said

"So you not dating him"I heard and of course standing there was Jordon

"Of corse I am"I said

"But you just said"he said but stopped
"Hi little Zack"he said smiling at my son

"Hi Jordon!"he said happy and went to Jordon's arms and I could feel Luke stiffen

"How are you"Jordon said to Zack

"Good I know who my daddy is"Zack said

"Who?"He saidand Zack pointed at Luke who smirked

"We should go"I said taking Zack and pulling Luke with me who was mad that Zack was with Jordon

"What were Zack's first words he said starting the car

"Mommy"I said

"What were his second words"he said,I sighed

"Daddy"I said and he nodded not looking at me

"Did he say them to Jordon"he asked and I nodded,but decided to explain

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