Chapter14-I still have my savings account

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"Let's play truth or dare!" Lyla said with a candy cane in her mouth

"sure"everybody said and we sat on the grass under a tree,we are currently at a park.

"OK I wanna go first"I said

"Of course you do"Luke said

"What! I like going first on a lot of things except roller coaster"I say shuddering

"What the bad girl is afraid of heights"Luke said

"Oh please your afraid of Mickey Mouse"I said and he glared at me

"Dude your afraid of Mickey?"Kermit said

"Why Mickey"Noah said

"I don't know he's creepy"Luke said

"Guys are we gonna play"Lyla whined

"yeah"I said
"Lyla,truth or dare?"I guess I'm not gonna go first

"Truth"she said

"first kiss"I said

"Kindergarten"she said

"really?who?"I asked

"This new kid with red hair and freckles"she said

"Oh I remember him he was at our school for only a week"I said

"OK Noah truth or dare?"she asked Noah

"dare"he said and Lyla thought for a moment

"OK go to those ladies and rub hand sanitizer on their shoe"she said still eating her candy cane

"Wait where do I get the hand sanitizer?"he asked

"Ask them can 'Ihave some hand sanitizer' then rub it on their shoe"Lyla said

"what if they don't have any?"he asked

"They have to have some,they have children and the parents always have some to clean their hands and if not ask for a wipey"she said

Noah got up and went to the two ladies Lyla pointed to.

"Why do you keep sucking on that candy cane"Tim asked Lyla,where she got it I have no clue.

"Because she doesn't like to sawllow"Kermit said and we all burst out laughing except for Lyla who was glaring at Kermit

Noah came back and actually accomplished the dare,also he got pinched on the cheeks by the ladies.We played on for a while and we agreed for this to be our last round before we head back.

"Lyla first time"Tim asked her

"Junior year,first party"she said

"she swiped that card,she wasted her saving account"Kermit said

"Ok...Kermit how about your first time"she said and the guys all looked at each other which got me confused

"Hasn't happened"Kermit said honestly and I looked wide eyed at him so did Lyla,Beca,And Ella even he guys looked surprised,as for Katelyn she didn't look surprise I mean they are cousins,yeah I forgot to mention,she's still stuck with us

"Not once"Lyla said

"I still my card with my savings account"he said happily

"But I've seen you make out with some girls"she said

"But that's it just make out I never took it to the next level"he said

"why not?"Lyla said

"I don't know I just don't want to loose it during high school plus I don't want to remember it as just someone I hooked up with"he said
"wow I sound like he girl"he said

"It's cute"I say

"well that is good for you"Lyla said

"OK my turn and I actually want to give Zack a dare"Kermit said said

"oh no,run for your life my son"I said

"mommy your being weird"he said and I stuck  out my tongue and he giggled

"OK Zack I dare you to got to the little girl with pigtails and say 'Zayumm you got a bae or nah' "Kermit said and Zack looked confused

"what does that mean"Zack asked

"nothing just do it"Kermit said and Zack got off my lap and was about to go but Kermit stopped him and messed up his hair

"my son is too young for flirting"I said smacking Kermit on the arm

Zack went to the little girl on the swings and went to the side of her

"Zayumm you got a bae or nah"He said and the girl giggled,Zack came back shortly smiling

"What'd she said?"Kermit said

"She giggled and told need her name,its Emily"Zack said coming to my lap
"She's old"he said once he was comfortable in my lap

"How so"I said

"because she said she was four years old"he said and cringed

"That's my boy,no girls yet"I said and he laughed

"mommy you're funny"he said
"Mommy can you come color with me?"Zack said

"Yeah sure"I said and walked over to my study desk next to him.

Katelyn,Noah,Tim,Beca,and Ella went to crash a party and Kermit went as the designated driver,so it was just Luke,Zack,and I.Also Luke is asleep on the couch so its basically just Zack and I.

"What are you coloring?"I asked him

"a turtle"he said and he handed me some crayons and we colored for a while

"So Zack what do you want to do for your birthday?"I asked him since its coming up in a couple of weeks

"I want to go somewhere far away"he said

"like where?"I asked

"Where all the Disney people are"he said

"Disneyland?"I asked facing him

"yeah"he said

"OK"I said because I was going to say yes to whatever he wanted

"Really?"He said

"yeah,we just need a passport for you and buy plane tickets and Disney tickets and we can stay in the Disneyland hotel"I said

"Is daddy coming to"he asked

"yeah"I said

"good"he said

"Hey you hungry?"I asked and he eyes lit up

"Yeah"he said
"What about daddy?"he asked

"We can bring him something"I said

"Ok"he said and ran off to get his shoes in the living room and their not lace shoes cause he can't tie laces yet.

I go upstairs also and leave a note for Luke for when he wakes up.
While I was writing I heard Luke sit up

"What are you doing?"He asked

"I was leaving a note for you that I was going out with Zack"I said getting up

"Not trying to hide him from me again are you"he said and I just started at him blankly

"Baby I'm kidding,I'm just kidding"He said
He came out up from the couch and came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist
"I'm kidding"he said and kissed my cheek

"OK well I'm going"I said

"Love you"he called,I just though about this,he's always here like he practically lives here.

"Love you to"I called back and took Zack out.

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