Chapter17-Caught in the act

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My old friends just left yesterday and unbelievably our teams called truce,they're all still not friends but our schools called truce.

"I wanted that towel!"I heard Lyla

"I want it to!"I heard Kermit say

"But it's mine,I brought it"She said

"So sharing is caring"he said and I went to where they were,we are currently at Luke's house in a pool

"Are you guys really fighting about a towel?"I said

"She won't share"Kermit whined

"Kermit it's mine you brought your own"Lyla
Said pointing to his towel on the floor

"How did this even start?"I said

"I was just about to get out when Kermit came and took my towel"Lyla said

"It's pretty"he said hugging her towel

"Get your own!"she said trying to get her towel back

"It's not soft like yours"he whined

"Not my problem"she said and got her towel back and Kermit pouted

"There there children quit your arguing,my almost two year old son is more mature than you"Luke said with Zack trailing behind him

"Yeah stop your arguing,your really loud and it's hurting my ear drums"Zack said and came to me and I gave him a big hug and put him On my hip

"He so likes her"I say to Luke but only for him to hear

"The idiot has liked her since the first grade"Luke said

"Really?"I asked

"Really"he said
"Ok so what girls do you think are cute"I hear Luke say while I'm walking back to the our table,we're at a restaurant eating dinner

"What?"I say once I reached it

"What"he said

"What did you just ask Zack?"I said taking a seat next to Zack

"Nothing..."He said

"Mommy he asked which girl do I think is cute...don't you remember daddy?"he said tilting his head

"Don't follow in your father's footsteps"I said,wow I sounded really like a  grown up

"Yummy"Zack said eating his little apples first

It was quiet for a while us eating peacefully and Zack just humming to some song he heard and me just in thought.

"We should be heading back soon"I say

" all done buddy"Luke asks Zack

"Yep"he said and we get while Zack takes my left hand and Luke hold my right and it just occurred that Luke and I never really are together and be couply.We should change that
We walk into my house and see Lyla sucking their faces,in other word in a deep make out session.When did they even get here?!

"Zack cover your eyes"I said and Luke takes him to my room.they immediately stop and turn towards me red faced

"When did you even get here?"I ask

"Well your mom was heading out with the twins and she said you would be back and then Kermit showed up and we decided to wait for you"Lyla says

"What did you guys need?"I ask

"I needed the notes go English"Lyla says and I had them to her since I placed my notebook the counter earlier when I was reading it through

"And I needed my hat that I left"Kermit says.I point to the coffee table in front of him
"Right.He"he says and I raise an eyebrow at both of the

"You know what i have to go"Kermit says

"Yeah me to.Bye!"The both run out together and I laugh and walk to my room

"Mommy I'm tired"Zack said getting sleepily

"Ok let's get you in the bed"I said and lay him and take off his shoes and pull the  covers.Once he gets comfy he's out like a light and I kiss his cheek

"Wanna Netflix and chill?"Luke asks sitting on the love seat in the room

"Yeah sure"I say going to sit on his lap and he looks taken back with my surprise

"Really?"he says

"Yes but we are literally going to watch Netflix and chill in this seat"I say

"I would love that except I don't think this is the best place"he said and I smacked his chest and he just laughed

"Fine I'll go watch Netflix with somebody else,you know with some really hot guys"I say getting up but he pulls me by my wrist and sets me on his lap

"What hot guys"he said wrapping his arms around me

"Oh you know the ones with the tone body  and the amazing six pack showing"I say

"Oh really"he said kissing my cheek,then my other ckeek,then my nose and after my lips.His soft lips moving along with mine while I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms stay around my waist him pulling me closer to him.
He pulls away slightly do only our noses are touching  "You still wanna hang out with those other guys"he says

"I think I'll hang out with you longer,so you don't feel lonely."I say patting him

We looked into each other's eyes for a while just us admiring each other,it feels like minutes,maybe even hours.Just kidding I wouldn't last hours just sitting there.I smile at him and he smiles back and I feel lucky to have him.We're aren't usually all mushy all lovey-dovey but I really do feel lucky to have him,I may not show it as much but I really do feel happy for him to be here.I should show more often because he's probably going to think wrong in the future.

"You know I'm happy to have you right?"I say and he smiles at me

"I'm happy to have you to"he says

"No really I know I don't show you but I do feel lucky"I say taking his face in my hands

"Don't worry,I know,you always don't show lots of emotion.Even as a kid you were like that"He says putting his hand on top of mine

I lean in and kiss his soft warm lips that makes my heart race it's soft at first the gets heavier and passionate he deepens it but since we are humans and for an unknown reason humans need oxygen we pull apart,both of us panting like we just ran a mile.He grabs his computer and lean against his chest,his arms around me and I warp my arms around him we sit there for a while letting the movie play and I turn and look up at him and stare into his beautiful sparkling eyes for a couple minutes and he probably sensed me staring since I'm right there,he looks down at me and smiles.

"I love you"he says and I stay stunned at first and but then decide to mess with him

" you"I said and he looked down raising and eyebrow
"What? You never told me I have to say it back"I said raising my hands in surrender

"Way to ruin the moment"he said and turned to the computer in front of us and I got his face in my hands and made him look at down at me

"I love you too"I say

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