BDSM ( or B/D, D/s, S&M)

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BDSM (or B/D, D/s, S&M) = Bondage Domination Sadism Masochism-- refers to the presence of bondage and discipline, dominance/submission, and/or sado-masochism in either sexual practices or as a lifestyle relationship. Not all aspects of the term BDSM may be included within a single fic, so many authors may distinguish which specific elements are included. For example, a fic may include a consensual sex scene of dominance/submission but no sadism or masochism, thus it can legitimately not be labelled BDSM. (Although in such a case, it would be recommended that the author still warns for D/s separately, just in case.) A BDSM AU is one in which everyone is either a dominant or a submissive and BDSM relationships are considered the norm. Be advised that while a healthy BDSM relationship is consensual and not abusive, the practices are often misunderstood and if not careful may result in abuse instead. May be mild (PG-13) to extreme (NC-17). This can frequently be a squick for many people, so should be listed in the author's warnings.

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