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Feedback-- refers to an author's idea of a 'reward' for their efforts. *g* Okay, seriously, feedback acts as a form of extrinsic reinforcement (if you want the actual psychological classification), which basically means that it generates good feelings in the author. Those good feelings reinforce the author's desire to write, so that they can get more good feelings and start the cycle all over again. However, I should point out that this is not and should not be the main reason authors write. They should write for the intrinsic reinforcement, the sense of good feelings that is inspired within themselves. Internal sources of reinforcement like a sense of accomplishment, pride in their work, joy in playing with the characters, or the pleasure of sharing should be the reason authors write and post stories. Otherwise, if they fail to get external sources of reinforcement, they may grow dissatisfied with writing and quit. Readers who enjoy a story are encouraged to let the author know, either by private email or a public review. Feedback can be anything from a short "I love your story!" to lengthy dissections of what works and what doesn't. Constructive criticism is sometimes appreciated, depending on the author, but flames are not. Ever! (So don't do it, m'kay?) Fanfiction authors don't get paid to write, they do it for the fun of it. Getting feedback for your work, knowing people out there are reading and enjoying what you write--it's all the reward an author needs. Unfortunately, the statistics on readers giving feedback are very low: something like only 1 out of 200 stories, according to one long forgotten estimate, ever receive feedback. Which means that every letter of comment is special and greatly appreciated.

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