Chapter 4

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The sun hits my face. Moaning, I yank the blanket over my head. I'm not ready to wake up. I want to go back to my wonderful dream, the one in which Caleb Matthews is kissing the top of my head. I snuggle under the warm comforter and back into the fading visions, but it's not good anymore. I'll never know how it ends now.

Yawning, I open my eyes and sit up. I blink several times, waiting for the room to come into focus. I struggle to remember where I am, then see the huge wall of windows and last night comes rushing back to me.

I'm in Caleb Matthew's home.

A knock on my door is followed by Lizzy popping her head in. "Morning, sleepyhead! How did you sleep?"

"Morning," I grumble, jealous once again that she can be so chipper after a night out on the town. "What time is it?"

"Just after ten. Mason and Caleb went on a coffee run." She plops down on the foot of the bed. "Some place, huh?"

"Did you enjoy sleeping in his bed?"

"The girls at work are going to be so jealous." A grin spread across her face. We hear the guys walking into the kitchen, and Lizzy jumps off the bed. "Thank God for coffee. You still up for some shopping today?"

"Sure thing." I stand up more slowly, my head spinning slightly.

"Mason wants to punch Connor in the throat." Lizzy turns back to me, frowning. "But I told him I get first shot."

"You guys are hilarious," I deadpan. I duck into the bathroom to splash water on my face and wash away whatever remnants of the night I can. When I am done, I still look pretty tired, but not as gritty, I hope.

In the kitchen, Mason and Caleb are hanging out at the breakfast bar. Mason is asking about the make and model of Caleb's car. Been looking for a car guy. I can't stop smiling as I remember our all-night gab session. Lizzy skips over to them, grabs her coffee and a blueberry muffin. I follow, a bit slower, and sit down.

"Late night, Hannah?" Caleb grins, raising an eyebrow in amusement as he holds out a cup for me.

"Early morning." I breathe the coffee in and instantly feel my head start to clear.

Caleb turns to Mason. "How about it? Would you mind taking a look at it?"

"Sure thing. I'm off today."

"What are you guys doing?" Lizzy asks. "Strip club?"

"Brothel, actually." Mason kisses her cheek. Lizzy sticks her tongue out.

"Mason's going to take a look at my car."

"Cool." I peek up from my cup to see Caleb watching me. I quickly drop my eyes, my body growing warm from his stare.

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