Chapter Two

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For the rest of the week I hung out with Dylas and his pack mates. We got to know each other a bit though I still didn't tell them too much about myself, I didn't know if I could trust them yet. I had trust issues, it's part of the whole being half bear thing. But I was beginning to warm up to possibly being in a pack, especially if they were there

"Hey Iris!" I looked up to see Sasha coming across the school parking lot towards me. Closely followed by Dylas, Cameron, and Amber.

"Hey Sasha." I called back walking across to meet them.

"We're going to the mall and then going back to our place for some movies, wanna come?" Dylas asked. Back to their house? Did they mean the pack house? Oh god I'm so not ready for that. I took a deep breath, alright Iris, if you're going to live in a pack you can't think like a solitary animal all the time.

"Sure" I smiled adjusting my hat slightly, "let's go." The five of us got into Cameron's truck, he'd just gotten his licence last month so I wasn't exactly sure if he was a great driver. I could possibly die today. Okay well probably not, I heal faster then a normal human and can take a lot more pain but still.

We got to the mall about a half hour later, we didn't go to a big mall because of traffic but I hoped this one still had a book store. The five of us filed out of the truck and made our way to the front entrance of the mall. Inside, people were slowly moving from store to store while laughing and chatting with their friends.

"Alright crew, move out!" Shouted Cameron and we all went into the mall.

About and hour and a half later we all sat down to eat before we went to Dylas and everyone's house. I was eating Sushi while everyone else ate burgers from some burger place. I preferred things like sushi over burgers and fries, I guess it was how I was raised, after all I had eaten a lot of raw fish and other foods in bear form. Dylas was talking about how both his and Cameron and Ambers families ran a large company and that's why they lived in the same house. Bull, they all live together because they're part of a pack.

"So" Amber started "what do your parents do for a living?" Amber asked me. I stopped and put down my fork, looking down as a fresh wave of pain and grief washed over me.

"Iris? Are you alright?" Dylas asked. I looked up and noticed everyone was looking at me in concern.

"Oh, um yeah, it's just.." I paused "my parents died, not too long ago actually, that's why I moved here, to get a fresh start." I took another bite of my food, not wanting to talk about it anymore. I could see sadness and sympathy in everyone's eyes, at least it wasn't pity, I was sick of people's pity. The table was silent for a couple minutes until Cameron whispered loudly.

"Omg look how hot that guy over there is" he said pointing to a guy a few tables down.

"Omg? Really dude, this is the real world, don't say that out loud." Dylas whispered back.

"Sorry dude but I mean seriously, he's so hot." I laughed, I liked Cameron, I could tell we were going to be good friends.

"Come on" Amber said "it's time to go"

"But I haven't gotten to talk to that guy over there" whined Cameron. Amber sighed and grabbed her brothers arm hauling him away from the table and toward the mall entrance. Sasha laughed and we all got up and followed.

A little while later we were driving along a dirt road into a forest. Dylas had informed me that they lived out here because the house had to be pretty big because of the business and also because his father liked to hunt. Now I sat in the back seat of the truck watching the trees whip past in various shades of green and brown blurs.

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