Chapter Twenty

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I broke apart from Dylas to dodge a dingo shifter who had leapt for us.

"Ready to fight?" Dylas asked, clutching my hand. I nodded and we faced the raging battle. I let go of his hand and we jumped forward shifting in the air. As soon as I landed I felt something heavy slam into my side sending me rolling. I stood and shook the dizziness from my head. When I turned to face my attacker I realized Dylas had already tackled it to the ground and was fighting viciously, a protectiveness I'd never seen before shining in his eyes.

I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see another shifter stalking forward towards Dylas. He was going to attack him. Suddenly I felt the same protectiveness boil up inside me. I bolted forward and jumped slamming into the shifter, meeting it in midair. She was a snow leopard. We both slammed into the ground and rolled across it. Leaping to my paws I jumped again, tackling her to the ground once more. We rolled together across the ground until I was able to pin her to the ground. She struggled under my weight to escape but I wouldn't let her. I swiped my paw towards her face, missing on purpose, only slightly scratching her face. Once I saw the terror on her face I got off her and stood on my hind legs, roaring angrily at her. The leopard fled quickly into the woods towards the dark forest pack territory. This might be a battle but that doesn't mean I had to harm anyone if I didn't have to.

I looked around for Dylas and saw him trotting towards me, dodging fighting groups of shifters while he walked. When he arrived next to me he circled me checking for injuries. I did the same. Once we were sure neither of us was injured we searched for someone else to fight.


About an hour and a half later the fight was still going strong. I had realized pretty quickly that just scaring these people was not going to work. They were in it to hurt us, kill us even. We were also highly out numbered and most of us ended up having to fight two maybe even three shifters at once. We'd already lost a member of the pack and things weren't looking like they were going to stop yet.

I chased off another shifter after giving him various scratches and bites just to make sure he wouldn't be coming back again. I gazed around the clearing searching for my next target when I saw Cameron and Amber fighting along side each other. Since they were foxes they were smaller and usually teamed up two against one. They were fighting off a wolf and I noticed another stalking slowly towards them.

Quickly as I could I caught Dylas' eye and we both started to bolt for them. I let out a warning roar and the twins turned just to see the other wolf advancing. It leapt for Amber and at the same time the other leapt for Cameron. Before we could reach them one of the wolfs slammed into Amber sending them both rolling. Dan leapt on the other wolf before it could get to Cameron.

Dylas was faster then me and leapt on the wolf attacking Dylas. They both rolled off growling viciously. I ran as fast as I could pulling it a stop in front of Amber. Cameron was already there, sniffing her anxiously. I looked down at Amber as saw the blood slowly pooling around her. Cameron shifted back and nudged Amber.

"Amber?" He asked worriedly. She didn't respond. "Amber?" He asked again, his voice shaking a little. "Amber are you okay?"

I walked slowly forward and sniffed Amber up and down. She was alive, but barely. She had a large gash on her side and it was bleeding heavily. If she didn't get help soon she was going to die, she was already unconscious. We needed to stop the bleeding. Cameron was out of it, he was shaking and tears were beginning to drip from his eyes.

I shifted back quickly and grabbed Cameron's arm.

"She's still alive, but barely, we have to stop the bleeding and you have to get her back to the pack house." I pulled off my sweater and began to tear it into strips. It was ruined anyway, the blood stains would never come out.

I began to wrap the strips around Amber trying to slow the bleeding. Dylas and Dan came back and sniffed at Amber. They then began to circle us slowly to keep enemies away.

"Okay" I said and stood, gingerly picking up Amber and standing up. Cameron stood up too, tears flowed steadily from his eyes. "Alright you're going to have to pull yourself together." I said trying to put as much authority in my voice as I could, and oddly enough it worked. I handed Amber to Cameron. "Me, Dylas, and Dan, will help you to the edge of the clearing and keep the enemies off you, but we can't leave the fight, we are already outnumbered. We'll protect you to edge of the clearing and then you and Dan have to get Amber to the pack house, you have to, it's the only way to save her okay?." Cameron nodded drying his tears. He looked a bit confused at first at the sudden authority in my voice then he saw Dylas circling us and understanding flashed in his eyes. He knew we were mates which made me one of the packs future alphas. Oh god, how did that happen.

He pulled Amber to his chest and took off across the clearing. Dylas, Dan, and I followed quickly. I dodged some shifters and leapt at others keeping them away from Cameron and Amber. Sasha and Nate saw us and joined in with keeping them safe as we made our way across the clearing. There was no way we were letting our friends die, it wasn't happening.

We got to the edge of the clearing and Cameron kept running into the woods, as fast as he could possibly go. Dan followed quickly, only pausing for a moment to look back and me and everyone else, nodding his thanks. He took off after his mate and his sister.

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