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*somewhere in the Arctic.*

Iris walked towards the house. It looked small and cold, covered in snow, with no heat rising from the large brick chimney. To most it looked unwelcoming, but for Iris, it was home.

She made her way towards the steps, slowly, as if it was all just a dream. One foot after another she walked up the snow covered steps. Her feet sank deep into the snow with every step, but she pushed on because it brought her closer to home.

Iris broke through the last bit of snow and came a stop in front of the door. There was little snow near the door because it was shielded by patio roof.

Iris pulled a key out of her coat pocket and stuck it in the lock in the door. Slowly she twisted the key until she heard the click. With shaking hands she reached for the knob, almost afraid it wouldn't look the same as it used to. Like it would be different some how. With a deep breath she twisted the knob and pushed open the door.

Iris stepped into the porch and flicked the light switch on, illuminating the hall in front of her. Dusty old pictures hung from the walls and sheets lay over the abandoned furniture. It was just how she left it.

Iris smiled to herself as she closed the door behind her. She was home.


*back at the old White Valley mansion*

Scarlet stood on a balcony overlooking the lake. She grinned in satisfaction, thinking of all the territory she had one in the recent battle and all the territory she would win in upcoming battles. She wondered for a second where The White Valley scum had gone after they had been so easily driven from their home. It didn't really matter though,

"Oh that stupid insolent little pack. They never should have even attempted to fight us. I'm sure they'll be smarter next time though, once I follow through with my plan. Start by taking a few territories to scare people, letting them live and acting like all I want is their territory. Oh but that's far from it, it will get their pack too, and if they don't join me I will kill them. I will win this war I have waged and rule over all shifters." Scarlet laughed to herself.

"That's a bit of a small dream don't you think." A voice made Scarlet whip around in fury.

"How did you get in here?" She growled dangerously. The girl looked to be around sixteen or seventeen. She had black hair and a bored expression on her face. She wasn't someone Scarlet recognized and she definitely wasn't a shifter. Vampire maybe?

"Your pack mates let me in, I told them I had business to discuss."

"And what business would that be?" Scarlet growled though less threateningly.

"I want to make a deal. You say you want to rule shifters, but how about all of supernatural kind?"

"Impossible, I don't have the army." Scarlet growled.

"I think I can help you there." The girl grinned. "My names Valerie by the way." She held out her hand to Scarlet. "So do we have a deal?"

Living in A Pack (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now