What is a World Changer part 2

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Are You Hungry?

Matthew 5:6

         Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

        World Changers are not just committed to a bunch of rules; they have passion for God. They just don't to know the Book; they want to know the God who wrote the Book. They want the scripture and the heartbeat of the living God who inspired the Book. World Changers passionately persue the living God. They can't stand the thought of just having quiet times. They want to meet with the living God. World Changers don't just go through the motions of a worship service. They bow before the throne of the holy God and have a face-to-face encounter with Him as they worship.

      World Changers are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. They are hungry and thirsty to have a heart-to-heart encounter with God on a regular basis.They desire for more of God's presence in their lives, and they will do anything to get it. They'll fast. They'll pray. They'll do everything they can to live holy and right. World Changers follow rules because they have a personal passion for God burning in their souls. 

     Already tens of thousands of young people have joined this journey for God. World Changers are no longer satisfied just going to youth group and then going home. It's not just enough just to feel emotional about God on a retreat. It's a passion that burns in their hearts every single day. World Changers wake up crying, "God, I want more of You! God, I want to seek You today, I want to know You today." They feel an emptiness that can be filled only by the presence of the living God.


Not Just Talking About It

Mathhews 28:19

     Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name Of The Father, And Of The Son, And Of The Holy Spirit. (NKJV)

     World Changers are serious about making a difference. World Changers want to know God and to make Him known. They want their lives to count for eternity. They fervently go after doing something that affects other people's lives. World Changers have had an encounter with God that is so real they can't keep it to themselves. World Changers see a Scripture such as the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 and know it wasn't just for disciples. This command is for everybody.

     World Changers can see that Jesus repeatedly encouraged His disciples to make a difference. He sent them out two by two. He sent them out in groups. He sent them out from village to village. He was constantly equpping them, training them, and preparing them to change the world. World Changers see that this is still Jesus' plan today, and they are actively involved in doing everything they can to make a difference. World Changers don't want to wait until they become adults to make a  difference. They want to begin right now in school, in work, on a sports team, in the family, and in the church. World Changers want to make a difference.

     World Changers don't just crawl through high school. They don't just crwal through youth group. They look for opportunities right now to make their mark and do something to show others the hand of God working in their lives. World Changers are serious about making an eternal impact. They are not indifferently hoping that people will see Jesus in their eyes. They make serious plans. They use their energy right now to wake people up and show them that Jesus is alive. 


Giving Yorself Away

Luke 9:23-24

     Then [Jesus] said to them all: "If anyone would come come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet loses or forfeit his very self? (NIV)

     World Changers are committed. They are serious about keeping their word. They are serious about doing whatever it takes to live the gospel. We see too many people who say one thing and do another. Most of us don't have enough good examples of what committment is all about.

     Jesus said when you come after Him, you must deny yourself and pick up your cross.Denying yourself and taking up your cross is preparing to die. A World Changer sees that strong commitment and doesn't scoff at it. Many people say they would die for Christ. But when it rains, they won't go to church because they don't want their hair messed up :)

     A World Changer says, "Whatever it takes for God, I'm going for it. Whatever Jesus wants for me, it already belong to Him." A World Changer takes the same committment that he made when he gave his life to Christ, and he makes his committment to change the world just as seriously because the world is desperately in need. A World Changer keeps her word when she gives it to the Lord or anyone else. A World Changer is committed. 

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