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Sophia's POV
I was taken aback by tall and elegant building.It was just in movies.

I stood in total awe outside the main offices of Consolidated Galactic Enterprises Inc. It made me feel so tiny & insignificant. The base of the building occupied an entire city block! Looking up, it went on & on; the top literally vanishing in the distance. I thought, "my entire home town could fit in the first floor! I hope my new job is not at the top, they probably need oxygen masks up there!"

"oh god",I went inside in the building. It was beyond my dreams. Too gorgeous.. It was really spacious and luxurious.
But I was paralysed with fear.

" Actually, it's a little difficult to understand that why a lawyer has established such a huge building rather than having a personal cabinet. It would have been more comfortable and easier for his clients.
As soon as she entered in the building,she was dumbfounded.
The building was much more beautiful from inside.
A baronial building which was beautifully appointed and well decorated. It was extremely spacious and luxurious.

Then, I went to see the receptionist. She was a Blondie and well dressed. She looked sweet and nice.
"Can I meet Mr Austin Collins," I asked her
She replied,"you are here for the job".
I nodded.

I was asked to follow the Blondie.
The a huge door was opened. The office was well decorated.
There were large beautiful white flowers on a big luxurious table and big large brown sofa.

Then she saw someone,who took away her breath. There was something about him which made her think of danger. Something dark and tantalising which drew her gaze like magnet. Sophia felt the rush of blood to her cheeks and the sudden pounding of her heart as she stared at the man. He was gorgeous, too gorgeous to be real, surely...???

Love,lust and Betrayal(It's a real story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora