Chapter Six: Graduation

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"It's hard to believe that my boys are both graduating today," Aunt Cass says proudly through her tears. "It seems like only yesterday I was chasing you two around."

Hiro rolls his eyes and Tadashi smiles. "We love you, Aunt Cass," Tadashi says.

Aunt Cass blinks more tears away. "I love you guys, too." She throws her arms around both of them and stifles a sob. She pulls away and wipes underneath her eye. You step up and hand her a tissue.

Tadashi takes you into his arms and kisses you softly. "It's good to see you," he says.

"And it's good to see you," you reply. "I love the robe." He smiles. "I'll really miss seeing you at school everyday." You turn to Hiro and ruffle his already messy hair. "You too, nerd."

Hiro rolls his eyes at you. "You're probably happy that I'm gone," he says. "Now you don't have to worry about me pranking you at school. But I'll still see you around the cafe, so don't feel too safe."

You narrow your eyes at the thirteen year old. "One day I'll get you back for each prank, Hiro."

Hiro laughs. "Ooh, I'm scared!" He rolls his eyes and elbows his brother. "C'mon, dude. We've got to get on stage. I want to get this over with."

Tadashi laughs. "Alright. I'll see you after the ceremony, ___," he tells you, planting a quick kiss against your temple. He turns away and heads towards the stage with his brother.

Aunt Cass hooks her arm with yours. She shakes her head at her nephews. "I am beyond proud of those two. They are going to do amazing things. Their parents would be so proud of them." She smiles softly and looks over at you. "And they're both absolutely crazy about you. You're a part of this family, ___. You always will be."

You smile at Cass. "Thanks," you whisper. "You guys mean a lot to me."

"We'd better grab some good seats," Cass says, looking around at the auditorium as it fills with people. You agree and follow her to the second row. The ceremony is pretty lengthy, but Tadashi and Hiro aren't too far down the line. Hiro steps up for his diploma first. He takes it and waves at you and Cass. Cass leaps up. "That's my nephew! Yeah! We love you, Hiro!" He blushes, rolls his eyes, and takes his place on the other side of the stage. Tadashi is next. He flashes his signature dazzling smile when his eyes meet yours. You smile and raise your finger to your chest. You draw an 'x' over your heart. Tadashi nods and does the same. Aunt Cass shouts at him, and so do you. When they're both in their places on stage, you give them a thumbs up.

After the ceremony, Aunt Cass runs up and hugs her nephews. "You two!" she says, squeezing them tightly. She pulls away. "Alright. We can all head out to whatever restaurant you want. Dinner is on me."

You hug Tadashi. "I'm so proud of you," you whisper, closing your eyes tightly. "I love you so much."

He chuckles and kisses your cheek. "I love you, too."

You pull away and grab Hiro. "I love you, too, you knucklehead!" you exclaim, pulling him into a hug.

"Ew! No hugs!" he protests, but you just hug him tighter. "___, stop!"

You pull away. Tadashi laughs at his brother. "How do you ever expect to get a girlfriend when you push away any hint of affection?"

Hiro rolls his eyes. "Okay, can we just go eat dinner?"

Aunt Cass laughs. "Alright. Let's go!"

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