Chapter Ten: Bot Fights

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To say that you were disappointed to find out that you were not accepted into SFIT was an understatement. You fell apart. All of your dreams were crushed. You lost your spark. You never wanted to invent again.

That was two months ago. Even with constant reassurance of your self worth from Tadashi, you still question what you're supposed to do with your life.

"You're smart, ___," Tadashi told you.

"I'm not. I didn't get in," you said.

"Look, you can try again next semester!"

"Tadashi, I'll be completely thrown off! It will take months for me to get caught up, and even then it will feel wrong. I'm not going."

"___, I know that this is sad for you. I get that. I'm sad, too. Do you know how much I wanted to be see you every day? And to see you living our dream? But sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned. You just have to keep going. You'll be fine." He kissed your forehead.

"I'm kind of happy that we didn't cross our hearts when you told me that I was getting in," you commented. "You haven't lied to me yet."

"I won't ever lie to you."

You smiled. "Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart," Tadashi said. He sealed the promise with the invisible 'x' and a kiss on your cheek.

Now, you're sitting on your couch. You're eating a bunch of junk food. End of dreams kind of depression, you suppose. You're watching an old comedy. The jokes aren't that good, but you don't feel like changing the channel. Your phone vibrates from beside you. You pick it up and turn it on.

Call Tadashi and ask how he feels about being arrested.

You immediately dial his number. "Hello?" He sounds stressed.

"Tadashi," you say sternly, "please tell me that your brother is joking. You weren't actually arrested, were you?"

"Um, well. . ."

"You promised that you would never lie to me. So I need the truth."

"Yeah. We were arrested," he says. You can hear Hiro's laughter. "Knock it off, knucklehead. I will not hesitate to kick your butt."

You gasp, "Tadashi Hamada! How? Why?"

"Hiro went bot fighting," Tadashi explains simply.

You laugh. "That explains it," you say. "How was it?"

"What?" he asks.

"Jail!" you say. "Was it insane?"

"What?" Tadashi groans. "___, it isn't funny! He-" his voice drops to a mutter, "he ruined my record."

You laugh. He is so adorable it physically hurts sometimes. "Aw, sweetie. I'm sorry."

Tadashi sighs again, then falls silent. "Wait. Where do you think you're going?" You press your ear closer against the speaker. "You're going bot fighting, aren't you?"

You gasp. "Tadashi, you can't let him go!"

"I'm not," Tadashi says. He waits a minute. "I have an idea, actually. I'll call you back tomorrow, ___. I love you."

"I love you, too," you say. "Wh-" You try to continue, but he has already ended the call. You shrug and toss your phone back on the couch. You grab the bag of chips from beside you and resume your snacking.

A few hours later, you're jolted awake by the buzzing of your phone. You pick it up and check your messages.

I can't believe it. I just took Hiro to the university and he LOVED IT. He met the entire gang and he is stoked to apply. He's going to blow Callaghan away!

You can't help but feel a little envious of Hiro. Of course he'll get in. He's Hiro Hamada. He's the kid who walked into his first ninth grade class when he was nine and a half years old. You struggle to type an acceptable response.

That's totally awesome!! Does he have any ideas for what he's showcasing?

The next text comes in immediately.

Not yet, but I'm sure he'll think of something. Come over for dinner tomorrow. We're having homeade pizza.

You smile.


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