Back For Good (Hopefully..)

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Hiya, so if you haven't noticed I had disappeared for a few months. There were a bunch of reasons as to why this happened like school, friends, and just life in general but, that doesn't really matter. I hope to be back fro good but, I will mostly be using a different account I have. 

I made the other account to test out stories and post all the stuff I would be mortified about if my real life friends saw. Once I'm more confident in the stuff I post there I'll let you all know the account name. For now you'll just have to deal with the things I have here. 

Anyways I've been wanting to do a few things with this account like a game book and even a book where I can recommend things like TV shows, music, and movies. Would you guys be interested in something like that? If so let me know because I'll probably only do it if I know people want it...

Xoxo Stefanie. M

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