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So right now I'm sitting in my room, on my phone, about to cry.

Me and my best friend (well I guess ex-best friend) got into this huge fight. Recently she's been doing, saying, and sending some very mean, hurtful things to me and doesn't think she's done anything wrong!

Two weeks ago, I got a text saying "Can you tell *friends name here* to back off *friends crush's name here*? Gina (her cousin) is dating him now." Like WTF?!?
1. Why the hell do I care?
2. Why are you texting me and not *friends name*?
3. Why should you care? It's *crush's name* who should chose who he wants to date!

So we start arguing, me defending the mutual friend of ours (and her crush), her demanding herself and her cousin. By the end of the week it's resolved (turns out the 2 guys were actually different people, like I said they might be since her cousin lives very far away).

Last week, she and her cousin (Gina) sent me a snapchat of a burning price of paper with the words 'Best Friends' on it. She says that it wasn't targeted to me or anything but she didn't send it to anyone else. Sure she posted it on her story but she sent it to my personal account! No one else got it, her cousin hates me, and she turns into a whole new person when she's with her. Anyways, she apologized and I forgave her after a while of needing time to cool  off.

Now she won't stop texting me, asking if we're still friends. She still thinks she's done nothing wrong, like there is not way her words could have hurt me. She of all people should know that words can hurt and how badly some people can hurt you without meaning to. I just don't see why she can't see how her words hurt, or how she might possible be wrong for once.

By the way, I know it may seem like I am reacting too stirringly but there are other things that happened involving her, that I did not feel confer table posting about. Next time you send someone something, try and think of how they might take it. It can make all the difference to re read a few words...

Anyways, this got really sad (at least for me). If you guys ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here c:
Xoxo, Stefanie

(UPDATE: crying now. She keeps texting me. Every time I tell her to leave me alone,she won't. Every time I tell her she might be wrong, she denies it. She keeps telling me I'm over reacting.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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