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PG-13/ Trigger warning. mentions of violence and small details leading up to a near sexual assault .

The rest of the week was very quiet at the tower, the rain kept coming, so most of the days were spent huddled in the tower, just talking or doing some first aid training, I had met pretty much all the boys now, I got on really well with all of them, they had really taken to me and I was soon considered one of the boys.

One night I was sat in my room when I realised that my period had started, reaching into my bag I realised I only had one tampon left. I grabbed my bag and phone and went to go tell Jesse where I was going, walking into his room, I heard the shower was on, I really needed some urgently so I just left Jesse a note on his bed and left. It was about 10:00 at night and was quite dark, I walked to the little shop round the corner from Jesse's apartment and bought what I needed, I paid for them and walked out the shop. But as I headed outside I saw some people I really didn't want to see...

It was Mike and his group, they were back.

I quickly headed in the opposite direction to them, beginning to run slightly, I headed down the narrow side street that comes out near to Jesse's, I pulled out my phone and dialled Jesse's number ,ring ring ring, there was no answer, hitting Koby's number I waited for him to pick up, that's when I felt somebody grab me...

"Well if it isn't little Jorja" laughed Mike, the rest of the group began to surround me, they began pushing me into the alley, getting closer and closer. "How you doing hey, I've been thinking about you, a lot" he said making my skin crawl

" L L leave me alone" I tried screaming but he covered my mouth, I bit down hard on his skin and kicked him in his groin, he doubled over in pain as I tried to run, but I wasn't fast enough, one of the group grabbed me and threw me back into the circle, Mike pushed me against the wall, his large hands pressing down hard all over my body.

"You're making this harder for yourself, you shouldn't make me angry" he tried to grab my chest but I twisted away

"NO! HELP!" I screamed as he pinned my body harder against the wall

"Don't worry darlin', you'll enjoy it" as his hands ripped my shirt and began to pull my shorts down, that's when I heard shouting...

*Jesse's POV*

I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel round my waist, walking into my room I noticed a note on my bed

Hey Jesse, I've just popped out to get something from the shop, I'll be back in about 5 minutes x

I looked at my alarm clock, it said 10:35, looking at the note she had wrote the time I left at 10:00

I checked my phone, 1 missed call from Jorja and 1 from Koby, I listened to the message from Koby, Mate Jorja just rung me, all I could hear was shouting, I'm on my way over there now, get outside and look for her, I could hear her running, I've called up some other guys to help.

I threw on some clothes and ran outside just as Koby pulled up in his car, leaping out "Any idea where she could be" he yelled as we started running,

"She went to the shops" I yelled back. We ran up to the corner shop and looked around, Koby ran in the shop

"The guy said he saw her walking that way and a few seconds later a gang of around 10 men followed her" he said, we instantly knew it was mike and his group. It was at that moment we heard shouting from a distance "NO! HELP!"

"Jorja!" I shouted as we ran towards the source of the noise, we turned down the alley..

Jorja was pinned against the wall, Mike was leaning over her, pulling her shorts down, Koby ran in and the 9 other boys fled, Mike looked up and realised who it was, he tried to run off but Koby grabbed him. I grabbed Jorja and pulled her towards me, I grabbed her ripped shirt off the floor and passed it to her, crying and shaking, she pulled it around her, trying to cover herself up

"Did he rape you?" I asked, shaking her head she said

"No he was close to, he really tried" before backing against the wall crying. Koby had Mike pinned against the wall, with his fist raised to his head, blood streamed from Mikes face as Koby shouted and swore at him

" What did I fucking tell you would happen if you came back here!", about 10 bra boys appeared at the end of the alley, "Take him away and deal with him, the way we usually deal with rapists round here", They all nodded and dragged Mike off, I knew he wouldn't be returning any time soon, not with the beating he would get.

I looked round to Jorja who had backed against the wall and was sitting on the floor in shock, I walked over to her and touched her arm, she flinched at my touch "Hey its only me" I said quietly.

She looked up into my eyes and just whispered "Thank you" before the tears began to flow, Koby walked over and put his arms round her, I took my shirt off and gave it her to put on, as her shirt had been ripped right open and wasn't covering her. She just sat there sobbing into Koby's chest, I looked at Koby and he nodded, picking her up he carried her down the alley, I picked up her bags before following them.

We got home and placed her on the sofa, Koby went and got her a drink whilst I sat next to her, leaning into my arms, she felt so weak and vulnerable, Koby returned with a drink of water and she sipped it slowly, we all sat there in silence, going over what just happened. " Th thank you " she stuttered

"Ssshhh, don't worry, they wont be returning soon, they wont even dare go near you" I said whilst kissing her head

I looked over at Koby who nodded, agreeing that they wont be returning soon, he stood up and came over to us, " I will leave you both to it, call me if you need me " he said to me, he leaned down and hugged Jorja, kissing her cheek, " Thank you" she whispered

"Thanks mate" I said to Koby, taking him to the door, "If it wasn't for you I don't know what would have happened"

"Its fine bro, just take care of her alrigh' let me know if you need anythin' " he added before walking downstairs.

I walked back into the living room to find Jorja curled up, shaking, "I'll call in sick for you tomorrow you cant go to work in this state" I explained

"No" she said fiercely "They can't stop me doing something I love"

I was amazed at how strong she was, how she could pull herself through any situation, nodding I said " Ok then I wont , its late though, lets go to bed"

I let her get changed into her shorts and vest, but I walked in too quickly, she wasn't under the covers and I saw them, the large hand print bruises on her arms, legs and breasts, she quickly jumped under the covers, trying to hide them, but it was too late, I got into my shorts and climbed in, pulling her close to me, I lightly kissed a bruise on her back and shoulder blade, she was still shaking, I mumbled " I wont let them hurt you ever again" before turning off the lamp, I felt the shaking stop after a few minutes and her breathing even out, letting my eyes droop, I fell into a deep sleep.

sorry that was quite a dark chapter, you have no idea how many jesse feels I get writing these.... there seems to be a pattern emerging in the chapter endings I realised! sorry will try make it different next time, need some help for the next chapter as I cant think of what to put, I have a big idea coming up for Jorja but it needs to wait a few chapters, comment me with what you think should be next xoxo

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