When The Truth Comes Out

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Jess couldn't remember a time when she had been so comfortable. Granted, whatever she was sleeping on wasn't soft by any means. No, it was solid as a rock, yet still comfortable. She didn't understand it at all, until her brain finally caught up with her body.

Everything that had happened that morning came rushing back.

The idiot at lunch.
The way she found her car.
Walking around til she spotted Hunters truck.
And finally, how she'd broken down in his arms.

Hunters body moved beneath her and she tensed.

"You up?" He asked, his voice husky from sleep.

"Yeah." She replied moving to sit up.

His arms tightened around her. "Just a little bit longer." Hunter sighed into her hair. "We need to talk, Jess."

"I know." She whispered, burying her face into his chest.

Jess knew that the conversation ahead would happen whether she wanted it to or not. What did she expect? Hunter wasn't the type of person to just let go of what happened. Especially since she had been so cold toward him since he had gotten back. He was probably just as confused as she was with the events that had taken place. Of all people that she could have went to, it was him.

"You spoke with Cece." It wasn't a question. Jess knew that Hunter would have called her to find out just what was going on. Knowing her brothers girlfriend - who was one of Hunters closest friends - she'd definitely told him everything.

"I did." He nodded against the top of head. "She told me everything she knew. Now I want you to tell me."

"Everything she knows is pretty much it." Jess mumbled. It wasn't easy for her to talk about it with someone who was Cece or Lily.

Hunter sighed. Again.

"There's more you aren't telling me. That you haven't told her. I know you Jess, maybe not as well as I used to, but I do. You've got way too much strength in you to let people's words get to you the way it did today."

Pulling out of his arms, Jess sat up and turned her back toward him, her legs hanging over the edge of the bed. "Their words aren't the problem, Hunter. I've had a long time to get used to them. What went down earlier today was above and beyond anything that's ever happened before."

Hunter sat up and leaned back against the wall, running his fingers through his hair. "Then tell me what happened. I know it had to have been bad, especially since you came to me. Me, of all people Jess."

Standing Jess turned him with a sad smile on her face. "Grab your keys, let's go."

"This is talking time, Jessica. Not a field trip."

"I'm going to show you Hunter. It'll be easier than telling you. Now can we go?"

Jess already had the door open before the words finished leaving her mouth. Hunter was right behind her, grumbling under his breath about not understand women.

Once they were both settled in his truck, she told him to drive to the school. Checking the time on the dash, Jess noticed that it was the last period of the day. They had less than a half hour til school let out and wanted to be gone before that.

As Hunter pulled into the parking lot, Jess directed him toward her parking spot. He idled behind her car, waiting.

Jess sat there looking out the window. From Hunters seat he wouldn't be able to see the full extent of what was done to her car. But he would soon.

"You've got to get out and look." She whispered, not bothering to turn toward him. "But before you do I want to thank you for earlier. I can't give you an explanation as to why I came to you. I can barely explain it to myself. Go ahead."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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