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So this chapter took a whole lot longer than I had originally planned. I've had half of it finished the last time I updated you all. But, for the life of me I just couldn't get it finished. It didn't help that my compter is on the fritz and likes to restart all on it's own so I've been slowing working on the last half of this chapter from my phone. And let me tell you, that it not fun at all. And I've found out that country muisc helps alot with my writing, so I guess I'll my ear buds in and country music blasting in my ears everytime I write. Anyways, a great big THANK YOU! To all of you who have stuck by me. I know I've lost a whole crap load of follwers and readers. But honesly, that's alright with me. THE REST OF YOU ROCK and this chapter is dedicated to ALL OF YOU LOYAL FOLLOWERS AND READERS!


Hunter drove like a bat out of hell away fom the Anderson's house. There was no way in hell he could have stay and let everyone he loved see him this way. They didn't need know just how fucked up he truely was. It was hard enough dealing with it on his own, no one else needed to shoulder his burden. 

The quiet streets of Hilton Valley blurred before him. Memories from his past rearing its ugly head, demanding to be set free. Set free they were. He could no longer see the the road infront of him. He was no longer sitting in his truck, driving as if his life depended on it. No, he was back with his unit watchings as one after the other died, right before his very eyes. 

"Fuck," he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head. "Get a grip."

Peeking through the crack in his eyelids, he realized that he had miraculously made it to the outskirts of town without incident. Up head there was an unmarked dirt road. Making a sharp right, Hunter followed the dirt road into the middle of nowhere. A road that, if you weren't familiar with area, you would have passed without a second thought. As the lone figure of a tree emerged in the darkness, Hunter slammed on his breaks, tires skidding to a stop. 

The smell of dust and dirt assulted his senses as he stumbled out of his truck, pulling him even further into his memories. Back to the night that had changed his life forever. He fell to his knees gripping the sides of his head, his hair caught between his fingers. He flinched as the sound of gunshots and explosions filled his head. It was all so loud, so real. Opening his eyes he was transported back into hell. Back to a place he never wanted to return to for as long as he lived. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered into the vast nothingness before him. "I am so sorry."

He wasn't entirely sure what he was apologizing for. Maybe for the fact that he had survied - if only barely - when no one else had. Maybe he was apologizing for the fact that he should have done more to help his brothers in arms. There was so much to be sorry for and he wasn't sure where to start. 

Slowly the images faded and soon he saw only the wide open field with its lone willow tree sitting before him. With a tired sigh, Hunter leaned back, scrubbing his hands over his face. He wasn't sure how much longer he could deal with everything. It was getting harder and harder each day to keep the memories at bay. They said it would get easier but Hunter had come to the conclusion a while ago that, that was a bunch of bullshit. 

With his head hanging betwen his knees Hunter let out a tired sigh. He was just so over all of it already, his therapy sessions weren't helping at all. Nightmares still plagued him everytime he closed his eyes. His memories were getting more and more vivid with each passing day. He needed to do something - anything - to keep himself busy. To keep his mind off the past.

The School: Slut is a VirginOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora