Chapter 10

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Sorry about the wait, guys!! :)

Chapter 10

When we got outside, it was raining. Of course.

"Typical," I muttered, looking around to where Phil's hair was already drenched. He was smiling, though, the rain clinging to his eyelids and glistening against his pale skin.

"Got an umbrella?" he asked.

"Uh, no."

"Guess we'll have to make a run for it, then," he shrugged, reaching for my hand. "C'mon."

We made it to the other car park before my shoes were squelching and both of our shirts were clinging to our skin. I decided that Floridian weather was actually worse than British weather, simply because it was so changeable. By the time we reached the car, I could feel Phil's giggles through the tremors in his hand (which couldn't have been due to the cold because, well, it was still Florida and managed to be simultaneously stiflingly hot and pouring down with rain).


"Uh huh?"

"Can I-Can I kiss you?" he asked, bashful blush covering his cheeks.

In response, I leaned forwards and captured his lips with mine, threading my fingers through his hair and smiling into it, because kissing in the rain isn't all it's hyped up to be. It was cold and wet (which should be obvious) and not particularly desirable...unless it's with the right person. Phil was most definitely the right person, as I forgot about the freezing buckets of rain that were being heaped onto us from the heavens and we stood there, almost motionless, for what seemed like hours (and might well have been, because when we started to draw apart the rain was thinning out).

We both started giggling and after getting into the car we threaded our fingers together and turned the radio on, and that was the most amazing thing. The only changes that we went though were small, and they only contributed to make our original friendship seem that much more special, with extra, feather-light touches, and kisses on my cheek when I should have been concentrating on the road.

When we got back to our hotel room, and we'd dried off and gotten changed, we slid into our bed and curled up against one another, even though it was technically earlier than I would have normally gone to bed. The peace of just lying there, knowing that we were together, was indescribable. I pressed feather-light kisses to his collar-bone and fell asleep to the beat of his heart, and it was perfect.


"I'm gonna be sick," Phil groaned, clutching his stomach.

"Oh, come on, we've got to go on the Tower of Terror after this!" I replied.

"Uh, no. No way. I am staying on firm ground, now. Forever."

"It was a kiddie rollercoaster, Phil," I pointed out.

"It went ninety miles per hour! And upside down! It's unnatural!" Phil protested.

"Aw, c'mon, I'll hold your hand!"

"Nope. I'll go find Muppet Vision," Phil replied.

"One day, I'll make you go on Kingda Ka in New Jersey," I promised evilly.

"God, no. Ugh. Never make me go in anything that travels more than seventy miles per hour, ever again."

We'd just gotten off the Rock 'n' Rollin' Rollercoaster, on our first trip to the last of the Disney theme parks (Hollywood Studios). It was my favourite of the attractions so far, mainly because it was the only one with any speed. The Star Wars simulation was great, but nothing compared to the rush of speeding along the tracks, spinning around loop-the-loops at...

"Sixty miles per hour." I looked up from my phone, eyebrow raised. "It only went sixty. You have no reason to complain."

"How fast does the Tower of Terror go?" Phil asked nervously.

I pulled out my phone and ignored international charges completely as I used the 3G regardless.

"Thirty-nine miles per hour," I said.

"Okay. Whatever. The things I do for you," Phil complained.


"That was not thirty miles per hour!"

"No, it was thirty-nine." I laughed a little at how traumatized Phil looked. "Oh, come one, it wasn't that bad!"

"I hate you," he replied.

"Wow, you're mean. We're not going to see Muppets after all, then."

"I am. You stay here if you want," Phil said.

"I'll follow if you'll let me," I smiled.

He hesitated slightly before reaching out his hand-surely remembering our last less than successful venture with the whole 'hand-holding in Disney' thing-and I quickly brought our hands together.

"Lead the way," I invited.

The smile I got in return was worth him dragging me to watch Beauty in the Beast, Live on Stage.

The smile I got in return made me think that maybe I was in love with him.

But that was a thought to deal with later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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