The Arrival

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Another boring Tuesday in a life full of them. Feels like I spent the majority of the day just futzing with my hair and hoping that he -- you know who I mean -- would acknowledge my existence. It's not meant to be, apparently. As my father drove me to karate class not even the promise of unleashing my aggression in full contact sparring seemed that exciting. But that's when we saw it: something in the sky, peeking then bursting through the clouds. It looked... inhuman. 

It isn't like anything I have ever seen before, it isn't like a plane or a drone... it is something that you feel you should fear. I look over to my dad and without saying a word he climbs out of the car joining the crowd that has gathered on the road, all staring up at the unfamiliar thing in the sky. I follow him out the car and push through the crowds to get to him and as soon as I am next to him I grab his hand, looking up at him with wide eyes begging him to give me an answer to the question that is taunting everyone standing here, what is that thing in the sky?

I squint as I try to get a better look at the metal object. I slip my hand out of my dad's hold and shield my eyes from the sun. I observe it closely now, slowly moving across the sky and gleaming brightly. It almost looks like a UFO. I chuckle and shake that thought out of my head. Aliens don't exist."Mommy, what is that?" I turn my head to a small child pulling at his mother's sleeve."Nothing, sweetheart," the mother answers, eyes still not leaving the sky. "Let's go home." With that, the mother and her son wiggle through the crowd and disappear from my view."Is it coming towards us, Dad?" I lean in and whisper.I get no answer from my father, who usually has an answer for everything. I didn't need his confirmation anyway, I knew I was right.

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