Part Thirty- Four

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It was days later.
Maybe two, maybe three. I had no idea.

This was it.
My escape.
I had dragged the chair to the side of the door and waited behind it patiently. Judging by the small amount of sunlight coming through the door opening, it was afternoon. She would bring me food in the afternoon, so she could walk in any time.
I was prepared.
But I wasn't sure if she was prepared as well.
There must be surveillance cameras over here.
My mind kept telling me, but I had looked around and only saw one, which I covered up the lens with, using one of the napkins she had sometimes brought to me.
My heart was beating really fast, this moment, this feeling, it brought me back to a couple of years ago, when I was with Dan in Vegas.
I don't know whether this is a bad or good feeling, it's some sort of mix.
Suddenly, my heart stopped beating.
The door got unlocked.
I clenched my teeth nervously, and held the chair tightly in my hands.
What am I doing?
What on earth am I even doing?
But I gathered my courage and waved the chair against the person in the door opening, hearing a moan of pain.
As soon as I realised what I had done, I let go of the chair and opened my eyes, which I had closed tightly, hoping I would've hit her.
I did.
I looked at her unconscious body, the bruise on her head, and the broken plate with a freshly made sandwich on it.
I swallowed.
A shaky sigh escaped from my lips and I slowly walked past her, hoping she wouldn't suddenly wake up and bring me down with some ninja move.
The only person on my mind at that moment, not my mum, not Peej, nor Chris,
My slow walking quickly changed into running, I was in a house, a quite big house, too.
So it wasn't a lie that she's rich.
The daylight of the door attracted me immediately.
My lips curled up into a smile. Nothing would stop me now, I would finally be able to see Dan again.
My Dan.
I quickly opened the door, blinded by the light.
People were staring at me, I could feel their eyes pointed at me as they walked by.
I closed the door behind me, just to be sure.
My smile faded.
Where am I?!
I slightly panicked and looked around, noticing this wasn't my neighbourhood at all.
As quick as I could, I grabbed the arm of a woman walking on the street, but quickly let go as I noticed how rude it was to randomly grab someone.
"U-um.. Excuse me.. I- Where exactly am I..?" I clenched my teeth and prepared myself for the worst. She stared at me for a little while, she had bright green eyes, short blonde hair, and a pink hat. She was rather old, maybe around the 40 years.
"Oh, that's fine, my dear." She smiled in an uncomfortable way, but she didn't look like she was about to run away from me. I was relieved to hear a British accent coming from out of her mouth.
"We are currently in John Dalton Street." She said with the same friendly smile. I frowned,
John Dalton Street?
Never heard of that... Ever.
She must've seen the confused look in my eyes, because she quickly added:
"It is in Manchester. Are you lost, young man?" My eyes widened slightly at her words,
"M- Manchester?!" My vision blurred, I panicked. I seriously panicked.
How will I get back to London?
It was too much. I was about to collapse onto the floor as I felt two hands on my shoulders,
"Calm down for a bit!" My vision bettered and I looked at the same woman from before.
"You look as white as a sheet.." She mumbled, frowning as she felt my forehead.
"What's your name, dear?" The woman took me to a bench and sat me down.
"Ph- Phil." I said with a swallow, not taking my eyes off the house I had come from.
"Alright, Phil, my name is Nicole.. Where do you live?" The questions just kept coming. But I didn't answer,
"Nicole, I- I need to get out of here.. Right now. I'm.." I looked at her and she nodded,
"My house is close to here, I can take you." I was happy that she didn't question me anymore and just took me to her house. She helped me getting up and we walked through the streets.

It felt like I would never be able to see Dan again.

[ Hey guys.
I haven't written a new part for maybe two or three months.. I am truly sorry. I just had no inspiration, and suddenly an idea popped up into my head, so I threw my maths homework away and started typing!
I want the best for you, and shall try to upload more often.

I love you, you are beautiful, and have a nice day.
~ The author.]

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