Part Thirty- Eight.

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My eyes followed the cars quickly passing by. I felt comfortable at last. For the first time in days.
Everything would be fine.
Everyone would stop worrying.
If only I had my phone.. The one I dropped. The one that broke.

I had been thinking a lot about the situation the last weeks.
How Dan had been cheating on me...
Or didn't he?
My kidnapper.
Kidnapper. It sounds so weird.
You always see those kind of things on the tele.
I should be traumatised, I should be sad or upset.
I shouldn't be excited to see Dan. I shouldn't worry about him.
I should be angry and feel betrayed.
But I shouldn't be calm. Not as calm as I am right now. Though my heart was racing.
"Do you have family you'd like to call?"
Nicole raised an old fashioned mobile phone. She was the typical old lady.
The one you'd see in movies.
I began to realise that non of this had to be real.
Like, it could be a dream.
I could be in a coma.
I could be in a movie.
Oh god, I was going insane.
"Phil?" I swallowed and looked at Nicole, I had jumped a little by her voice.
"Y- Yeah.. Would you mind?"
We simply exchanged looks before she gave me her phone. My fingers were trembling.
I slowly typed Dan's phone number. A soft sigh.
Here we go.
My hand brought my phone to my ear. The beeping sounds made me feel anxious, yet happy at the same time.
The beeping stopped.
I opened my mouth to say something,
"Hey, this is Dan, but I assume you figured that out yourself since you're calling me. I guess I'm watching anime or eating... Probably eating. Could you call me back later? I'm sure I'll be available."
My hand together with the phone sunk down. I pressed the red button.
"No response." I said, my voice cracking softly.
"Oh, that's fine. I'm sure whoever you tried to call is too busy worrying."
She still didn't ask me why I was here in first place. What was going on.

"Are you cold, love?" Nicole took off her feminine brown coat and handed it over to me.
I couldn't deny that I was cold, I really was.
But I wasn't just trembling because of the cold.
I grabbed the coat out of her hands with a gentle smile after laying the phone next to me on the seat.
It was warm. It felt nice. Warm was nice.
Thinking about warm..
I remember when I was cold one evening,
And Dan came in.
He cuddled with me. I got warm.
I remember him saying; "If you're cold, then why the heck are you only wearing boxers, you idiot?"
I had smiled. I love it when he swears at me. But in a loveable way.
I like being warm, but I miss his warmth. His warm arms.
His -..
Water. Warm water. I wiped my cheek.
"Sorry.." I mumbled, wrapping the coat around my shoulders.
"You've been through a lot, haven't you?"
I didn't even dare to look at her.
Yeah, I got kidnapped by your cousin. You know, Felicia? Haha, yeah, she kept me locked in a basement. I'm probably ill because of her. That's why I'm trembling. I also miss my boyfriend a lot. I don't even know where he is. But ah well. Stuff happens, right?
"I'm fine." I stared at the ground.
"Ah- um.." Nicole cleared her throat, she ticked her finger on her phone.
"Is there someone else you want to call?"
I now turned my head towards her slightly.
"I- I might have some friends who know .." I couldn't finish my sentence.
"Go on."
I didn't even hesitate.
Chris or PJ would know where Dan was.
There weren't any other people I would've liked to call.
My mum didn't even notice me leaving, probably.
It wasn't unusual for me to not contact her for a few weeks.
I dialled his number. Pressed the green phone button.
I had to last for about two hours more before we finally arrived in London. There was so much traffic.
I felt bad for telling Nicole my address.
Well, I didn't directly told her, but I told the taxi driver, and she was next to me.
I didn't really trust her--
"Um. Hello..?"
How happy could I be, hearing PJ's voice?

"Hey Peej."

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