Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: Hey guys. This is the second last chapter. There will be an epilogue but then that's it! Thank you for sticking with me and I hope you've enjoyed it. I appreciate every single comment and vote this story has received. Hard to believe it's practically over. 


Two Weeks Later

"Are you ready, Tori?"

Tori took a deep breath, looking into the mirror. The long black dress just reminded her of death and she shook her head.

"I would never be ready for this."

Jade sighed and rubbed her girlfriend's shoulder. "Beck would want us to be there."

"I know. But that doesn't mean I'm happy about it," Tori grumbled. Jade turned her around so that they were facing each other and the black haired beauty kissed Tori sweetly.

"We're all there with you, baby," Jade murmured, kissing her again. Tori wrapped her arms around Jade's neck and deepened the kiss. Jade grabbed her girlfriend's waist and they clutched onto each other desperately, drowning in each other's sorrow. The day of the funeral was here and Tori was more depressed than ever.

"Come on," Jade said breaking the kiss. "They're waiting for us downstairs."

Tori nodded and grabbed her girlfriend's hand, letting her lead them out of the room and down to the lounge. Andre, Cat, Robbie and Rex were standing around awkwardly, all dressed in black. It was bizarre to see the grave face on Cat and the color definitely did not suit the girl.

"Beck's parents are already there. His father is carrying the casket," Andre said when they reached them. Everyone nodded and it was silent. There was nothing that could be said and the atmosphere in the room was stifling. Jade just wanted to get out of there.

"I'll be in the car," Jade murmured to Tori and quickly crossed the room to the front door. The air outside was fresh and she breathed in deeply, trying to rid herself of the claustrophobia. Ever since that moment in the hospital, she had found it impossible to cry. The tears just wouldn't come and so she had been walking around with a gaping hole in her chest, feeling as if her heart had concaved. Something must be wrong with her to not be able to cry over Beck's death. It was as if her mind hadn't caught up with everything yet.

Jade got into the car and angrily slammed her fist against the steering wheel. It wasn't fair. Beck didn't deserve this and a part of her couldn't help but feel that it was her fault. She should have fought harder and stayed with Beck until he could have been trusted alone. She knew that something was wrong but she didn't try hard enough. Jade could have saved him.

She let out a frustrated growl and ran a hand through her tousled hair.

The passenger seat's door opened and Jade jumped a little. Tori got in next to her and they sat in silence for a moment, watching the others get into the car in front of them. It was time to leave.

"Ready?" Tori murmured.

"I guess," Jade answered and turned the ignition.


This is awful Jade thought as crying family member after crying family member approached her to talk about Beck and give her their condolences. She was feeling claustrophobic again and her hands were starting to shake. Despite the bright blue sky and the pleasant breeze, Jade just wanted to go home and hide under her bed covers.

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