Chapter Eleven

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No you fucking raisin!

° Kit's pøv °

** This is kind of a filler chapter **

I struggled to get into my extremely tight skinny jeans and then very quickly got on my fake black leather shirt with zippers and my amazing black socks. I dug around my room for my black combat boots and put them on my feet when I finally found them.

My makeup consisted of a thick eyeliner wing, waterline eyeliner, mascara and deep red lipstick. I brushed my straight hair and put a silver hoop in my nose. Downstairs I sat at the kitchen table on my phone whilst people came and went. My best friend walked in with hella curly hair and a very Tumblr outfit.

You have no idea how hard we try to be Tumblr every day.

Her legs adorned black and white vertically striped pants, a loose black T-shirt tucked into the waist and black wedge sneakers. Her makeup was virtually the same as mine except my wings were thicker than hers. "Morning loser." Megan greeted.

I waved at her and went back to my phone. She made herself a bowl of something and sat across from me, eating it. Gray walked in with his hair allowing his electric blue orbs to shine brightly below his quiff and he wore a black tank top and an unzipped dark blue sweater jacket that was rolled up to his sleeves. "Morning Gray." I greeted. "Morning Kitty." He mumbled while fixing his silver dog tags. He had on one of his million pairs of black skinny jeans and he was currently barefoot but he'd probably put on his grey Jordans later. He ran his hand along his lightly freckled nose, rubbing away an itch as Drew came into the kitchen.

Drew adorned his classic ugly work boots, he had on black ripped jeans with holes in the knees and a black t-shirt that clung to him like a second skin and lastly his beautiful blonde locks hung in soft tufts above his stormy and bruised grey eyes. "What's wrong Drew?" I asked. "Huh? Nothing. I just feel a little... Off." "Off how?" He looked to his feet then back up at me. "Werewolf wise." He said quietly. "Oh." I observed as everyone made food and ate it and I just sat there on my cell cause I wasn't hungry this morning.

The morning whizzed by because in Math we did Functions and in Art we finished our paintings and began the pottery unit. Finally, it was lunch. I grabbed Drew giggling and his eyes filled with joy as we went to stand in line for food. "Where did you get a cookie you pig?" I laughed at Drew as he swallowed another bite of the mystery cookie. "Emily. Want some?" He offered me a second cookie that he was holding and I shook my head. "You're unbelievable." He kissed my cheek leaving a small painful tingle. I pushed him away lightly. "Get away from me you dork." I wiped my cheek with a smile and he came after me with puckered lips.

He held onto my waist tightly and placed kisses all over my cheeks and face and all of them left an unpleasant burn. "I want food." I said slowly with his face in my hands. It didn't sting my skin to touch him so I wondered if it was something in the cookie. "And stop eating those cookies, they're bad." I told him. "Nah, they taste pretty good." He mumbled.

Maybe Emily and Crawford have conspiracies about us? We do act pretty weird around them sometimes.

"Cam, you got a date for the dance?" Megan asked. "No." He mumbled with a blush. "How come?" He put up two fingers. "1: No one likes me. 2: I'm shy as hell." "I could help you get a date." I declared with a dimpled smile. "No you fucking raisin!" Megan cussed.

Cameron was hanging out with us more often and he's the cutest little thing. But my goal tonight was to get him a girlfriend at the school's black light dance.

"We'll pick you up later." We kissed his cheek before we left which gave him an extreme blush. I called this place T-Shirt Time and had them custom make a white shirt that said "It's Cam ;)" in bold black letters. Step one done. Megan, Emily and I went out shopping for our extreme glow outfits. We picked Cameron up on the way to the mall.

We bought glow in the dark nail polish, black leggings, oversized white shirts, white socks, paid for and picked up Cam's shirt, bought him white jeans and we went on a hunt for glow in the dark hair dye at Shoppers.

I scanned the aisles until I found the Splat Glow_In_The_Dark dye. We chose to buy three boxes of their Cosmic Pink and a box of Atomic Blue for Cam. We paid for it and took Cam and Emily to the pack house. Hopefully they don't ask too many questions. Step two done. I put the dye on the tips of Emily, Megan and I's hair and left that to sit whilst I coloured Cam's hair. He told me to dye his whole head so I did as told, colouring his fluffy brown locks blue.

As we waited for the dye to set in our hair, we painted our nails (excluding Cameron) and then after 30 minutes I washed everyone's hair out one by one and did my own last. Well, Megan did mine. Cameron put his white straight cut jeans on along with his loose white shirt he left his glasses off and his hair was a vibrant blue. Step three done. Boom. His hands were behind his head as he lay stretched out on my bed watching us put our makeup on and let's just say that he had muscles.

Like not the 'oh that's cute' kinda muscles but the 'I'd bang you' kinda muscles. I thought he was a wimp but he's got some pretty good arm muscles.

Emily was second to be ready because she only wore foundation; her clothes consisted of black leggings, a plain white T shirt, her nails were a pale green that glows in the dark and the tips of her hair were bright pink. Megan and I matched Em outfit wise but differed with makeup. We all had our hair down as well; Megan's was wavy, Emily's was mainly straight and mine was straight.

Megan and I had matching eyeliner wings and mascara and that was it for our faces. I put on my blackberry & raspberry perfume and Megan turned to me. "Spray me." She commanded. I did as told and then we changed our belly button rings to glow in the dark ones even though we weren't supposed to change them yet.

When we got to the school it was 7:00PM meaning that we had 15 minutes till they would let us in. 7:15PM rolled around and as we entered we gave them our tickets, got a stamp on the hand, handed them our coats and saw Brianna. Brianna is the sweetest chick I've ever known. She had her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, white stripes painted on her face, what looked to be a glow in the dark eyebrow piercing and she had on no makeup on along with white jeggings and a white long sleeved shirt.

She smiled a perfect smile and said hi to Cameron and I left it at that, turning to my boyfriend and brother. Maybe he'll get a girlfriend after tonight. I'm rooting for these two. Gray and Drew were matching with black skinny jeans, loose white T shirts and they had white stripes painted on their faces. Crawford had on white straight cut jeans and a long sleeve neon green shirt with pink and white paint on his face.

The night flew by while we all shared laughs, danced together and watch Cameron flirt with Brianna. We left the school around 11:00PM when the dance ended and drove Cam, Emily and Crawf home. Afterwards I snuggled up to Drew in his bed and he was rubbing my back. "Goodnight babydoll." I made a weird noise and soon darkness surrounded me.

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