Chapter 2: Overconfident Tomboy

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  "Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten," I counted with Olivia, my little niece, while we skipped on the sidewalk to our way to school. 

        "Eleven, twelve, thirteen, " she kept counting with her mouth full of  toaster strudels. 

      While we were walking and laughing, the school bus passed us by, and when I eyed it, I immediately lifted Olivia up and started to run as fast as I could. 

       Dang it, Riley! You are going to be late, again! Scolded my reason while Olivia shrieked delighted. 

       "Why are we running, Auntie Riley?" Olivia asked, grinning.

      "We? We is a lot of people, don't you think?" I said, grunting with every step I sprinted on the sidewalk.

       Thankfully, I was athletic, because after a couple of minutes running with Olivia on my hands, I could feel the thirty pounds of her beauty heavy in my arms.  

  I don't mean to brag, but I did every sport when I was in high cchool. Baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, American football in the guys' team, tennis, and everything that included a ball and a physical activity. The only sports I haven't done are volleyball and ice skating. I didn't practice those sports because I look like a surfboard in tights and there is no way I’m going to use girl's mini tights shorts or a leotard.  I confess I buy clothing in the guy's department and I'm not ashamed of it!  

       "Just a couple of more steps," I notified Olivia as we arrived at the elementary school's entrance. 

      "Yay!" Olivia screeched. 

      "Okay," I panted as I placed her down on the sidewalk. "How old are you? And what is your name?" 

       Olivia showed me five fingers and said: "I'm Olivia Mary Peterson and I'm five years old." 

       "Good. Now, you got everything?" I smiled while I bent down on one knee and fixed her little yellow dress, which she picked out for herself—obviously. In awe, I observed her beautiful smile, her brunette short hair that barely touched her shoulders, and her big blue eyes.

    I can't believe that I'm related to such a gorgeous creature!  

        "I got two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!" She giggled, checking her pink lunchbox. "Will Mommy be here?" 

       "Mommy will pick you up, okay? Now, give me a kiss and have fun." 

      She didn't hesitate. Olivia wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. She waved goodbye while she ran towards the school's doors and greeted some friends. 

Gosh, how I love this kid. 

I know, sometimes it may give you the wrong impression.

It always does.

     I waved goodbye and ran to the closest bus stop. Gratefully, the bus pulled in just in time and I was able to catch it. Once I was seated, I put my headphones on and turned music on while the bus drove me to Gravestan Place College. Yeah, pretty odd name but still an amazing college. I entered thanks to the sports scholarships. In college, I wanted to change, you know fewer sports, more fun.

Yeah, nothing has changed. Instead of having fun, I have work.  

      Before I could keep on with my thinking, the bus stopped in front of the college's bus stop. I got off and started to walk towards the entrance in my comfy black hoodie, ripped shorts, and dirty sneakers. After taking off the headphones, I ponytailed my hair and sniffed the mucus in, to spit it out on the grass.  It was a ritual, or sort of.

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