Chapter 6: Riley Benjamin Doesn't Blush

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        "Well, it ain't my business if she wants to be banged. I can't deny a good deed, Riley, you know that. If she's into me, and I see some potential, I'll probably sweep her off her feet. If she asks for this, she'll get it." He concluded his anecdote with a wink and a smirk.

         Gosh, I hate how arrogant boys show off their stupid actions—filled with a brainless hormone called testosterone— and brag about it. It's just nasty, disgusting, repulsive and the list never ends. I twisted around the front door knob and pushed the door open so we could walk in my apartment. I tried to make no sound as possible but the hinges creaking didn't helped. Oh, God, please don't be awake, please don't be awake, please don't be awake.

        "Howdy, girly girl,” her husky and hoarse voice uttered, making my body freeze in horror.

        Oh, gees. "Hey! How are ya, Mrs. Lowood," I faked a smile while Mrs. Lowood welcomed me into my own house.

        "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Mrs. Lowood said, standing up and eyeing the man next to me.

        "Him?" I said, glancing at the tall, buffed, tanned, and good-looking dude—that gave me a ride home. "Just a little lost kid I found in the lost & found section."

        "Good night, ma'am." He said politely to Mrs. Lowood, after shooting me a glare.

         "Oh, I get it," she said naughtily and winking at me, “you guys are mingling? For the mother of the father! I didn't know you had it in you, girl. For a moment you had me thinking you were gonna end up like me, Riley."

       What the—? "Riley? Oh, she's a tiger. Like an animal. She drives me insane and I'm deeply in love with her," the smirking fella saved my dignity with those words.

       He placed his arm around me, pulling me closer to him and acting all lovey and dovey. Yuck! Mrs. Lowood slowly nodded in approval while I kept the impulse of punching him, inside. "Guess that's my cue, huh? 'Kay, the munchkin's asleep and being the same weirdo as always—not a pain in the ass weirdo, though."

      "Yeah," I replied leisurely as I took my jacket off, "Thanks, Miss L. Here's your twenty—"

     "No, no, no," she waved her hand in objection with a huge grin smudged on her wrinkled face, "I'll let it pass. It's my treat."

     "Whoa! Really? Gee, I think the end of the world will come soon. I'll let you borrow my friend here, more often, Miss L. What do you say 'bout that?" I said with a sly grin.

     "Don't push it, girly girl. Moods like mine aren't seen easily—"

     "Now, that I believe." I cut in, jokingly and glancing at the snickering guy by my side.

      Mrs. Lowood took her red slippers and stormed out of the living room, stopping in front of the exit and giving her back to us. "Have a nice evening, young man. Riley," she shouted my name, turning around three-sixty and glaring at me, "I want my Jackson bill by tomorrow."

      "Love you too, Miss L." I feigned delight with a heartsome cry while she left.

      "Wow, that was... interesting," his resonant voice made me jump. "You still play with that sweetie?"

      "The bat I won in the bet? Yeah— well, no, I don't play anymore, Tony. I don't have time now that I need to take care of Olivia." I answered, throwing myself on the couch. Emotions are taking control of me but I am stronger, much stronger.

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