Chapter 9: Cupid Takes Over

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    “Come on, Riley! It’s just a simple dress!”

     “No, I won’t, I’m wearing a skirt already and I hate it!” she seethed in agony. “I’m never leaving this bathroom! I’ll live in here like a troll lives under his bridge! I’ll protect this beautiful bathroom with my life till my skin is green and I grow neon orange hair!”

    “Ok, but remember, you know you can’t wear any trousers tonight, it’s formal and special.” I informed her after arguing with her about clothes half hour ago. I knocked on the bathroom door once again, “Riley, they are waiting! Fine, I’m going to count to three and if you’re not out of that bathroom—I’ll leave!”

   “Shut the hell up, Boba! And please don’t leave me.” Butch supplicated, hastily getting out of the guest’s restroom. After dashing out, she got a firm grip of my elbow, dreading the crazy people I call family.

   “Who would’ve thought that the great Riley Michelle Benjamin fears a couple of old ladies,” I mumbled to her. A smile could never leave my mouth since I enjoyed the way she felt secure in my arms.

   “They are not simple old ladies. Did you saw how they clutched my cheeks? I thought I’d be faceless by now!” She started to whisper as we walked through the hallway that leads to the patio.

   “I gotta admit you passed the test with my grandmas but the question is: would you survive the aunts?” I tried to suppress the snickers when I saw the distressful look on her face. She’s hilarious!

   Every day I learn something new from Riley, which always leaves me by the edge. It’s a shame she’s not a family girl, but at least her sarcasm guides her to a different type of charismatic charm. Not even a day has passed, and she already wants to go home. But hey, my family ain’t easy so I think that’s why she dreads anything related to me.

   Stop it, Andrew; I scolded myself, stick to the plan. You don’t love her, she’s just a friend, you don’t love her, and she’s just a friend. My brain whipped my eyes to look another way than it’s not her rosy face and so, I looked at the door, opening it and being chivalrous by letting her exit first.

   “Who would’ve thought Boba Fett will be a gentleman?” Riley whispered while we entered the big backyard full of people. “Certainly not me.”

   The first thing that hit you was the smell of the hamburgers being cooked by dad in the BQQ area. The second thing that made you feel better-off was the loud music that blared from the speaker, the chatting sound my aunts made with their gossiping, the screams the teens screeched when they bothered each other, and the hot sun warming our skins as we admired the beautiful scenario. Sadly, the only young adults were Riley and me; the others must be on their way since they like to party in a bar before hanging out with the seniors.

   “Here she comes. That is Aunt Clarissa and she’s a deaf,” I whispered on Riley’s ear, although my eyes were steadily fixed on her earlobe. That little kiss

   “So what should I say if she greets me?” Riley’s voices snapped me out of my thoughts.

   “Just smile,” I kept my own smile as my gaze focused on Riley’s sparkling eyes.

   “That’s easy,” she snorted, “You’re lucky to have a girlfriend like me.”

   I am. “Haha, don’t make me laugh!” I feigned a laugh, “Now, if they come and greet you, don’t swear and rant. Be… ladylike.”

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