DML: Chapter Six: The Introduction To Ben's People

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With ruthless mental swiftness, I push the frightening sense of foreboding deep into the recesses of my mind. I slant a look at Ben. Did he hear me?

The paler bodies in the room track my movement with their eyes, nostrils flaring as Ben walks ahead of me, hand clasping mine. I say my movement because one watches the way my foot lands on the dark wood floor. One watches my hair swishing over my shoulders. One watches my throat bob as I swallow hard. Another watches the rise and fall of my chest as I inhale and exhale. I feel very much on display, but at the same time the most valuable thing in the room. How odd. I start to sweat, because every set of eyes is on me and I’m not used to it.

There is a table in the centre of the room on a raised dais with one chair. Ben jerks his head to a waiter who stares at him with wide eyes nodding repeatedly. Before I blink another velvet lined chair is tucked under the table. Ah, why such a big deal? Can we not slide into that table right at the back away from the spotlights? Must we sit in the middle of the room? I’m … bemused, okay, I confess a little nervous. Did Ben think this would please me? This attention?

As I sit, I look up into the waiter’s face expecting blankness, but prepared to say my thanks regardless. I’m shocked! There is full awareness there. The thank you tumbles from my lips in a stutter, and the waiter inclines his head briefly before unfolding my napkin and placing it gingerly on my lap.

“My Lord?” he asks Ben in a pleasant voice.

Ben does not take his eyes off me, but motions to the menu and taps a name three lines down. The waiter places a hand to his chest as he commits the order to memory. “Very good.” He turns to me. “My Lady?”

He motions to the menu, and I take it from Ben’s hand, letting my fingers brush his cold ones. Great, I’m blushing again. I look at the menu and struggle to keep the grin from my face. Did the waiter really call me Lady? Is in capital L? To the left of the menu is a selection of dishes, but to the right is a list of wines blended with blood types, and this is what I study.

‘You already know this room is filled with my kind. Does it not make sense it would cater for our needs?’

Hmm. Yes, but I thought Ben’s kind fed from live humans, straight from the tap, so to speak. Ben regards me silently for a long time, five minutes at least. Oh alright, it’s probably only been five seconds, but he does have that weighty gaze that crushes you if you’re not careful.

I fidget as he thinks, ‘Some of us become sympathetic to the fragility of the human condition once we take mates. Killing often becomes less of a need, and more of an indulgence, to those who take human companions.’

I’m human, and I would consider myself a companion of Ben’s, his only companion. At least I better be.

Don’t be silly, Lee. He has already admitted you are his one and only.

I beam at him, even as I think that Ben looks the type to indulge often.

‘I did. Then I chose you.’

Ah. I see. Yesterday at my flat was not Ben coming to make love to me, was it? Or maybe that was part of the plan, but he really followed me home so he could….

Ben’s face is ashen, and his eyes downcast. I consider falling prey to the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I shake it off. I’d assumed as much already considering his reaction after our kiss, and his abrupt departure afterward, but it was hard to have it confirmed when you experienced heaven your lover battled inner demons.

The menu has lost my interest and I pick the first thing my eyes settle on. “I’ll have the Chili Tailapia,” I say croakily to the waiter, and watch him closely now my attention is focused on how surreal this situation is. He does not seem at all uncomfortable with the knowledge this room is filled with beings that could crush him and suck away his life-force.

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