DML: Chapter Seven: Smoke Reveals Fire

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“A dinna kin … he’s chosen you,” Iain murmurs after a long silence of me chewing more couscous and Afzal watching me, watch him, watch me chew more couscous between large gulps of icy tap water.

I wave my fork at him. “Ben is going to make me like you, I hope. I’m thinking it’s more on an honor than I first realized.”

Afzal’s hisses. His two fists slam down on the steel surface and leaving two concave holes. My fork clatters to the surface top, and my body lurches off the stool toward the door. Like a frightened rabbit, I bound away, but Iain catches me and locks me to his side. He pats my head. Trembling, I cling to him and try to regulate my breathing. No, their voice does not affect me as it once did, I’m getting used to that. It’s purely the fact Afzal is gigantic, bristling, and radiating anger now, and I know enough to get the hell away from him.

“Calm down, lass. Afzal’s a wee bit passionate, ‘tis all. Can ye ease up? I don’t want yer scent over me when Ben returns.” His brows plunge. “Yer heartbeat pounds too hard. Tis tempting. It calls forth the hunting instinct, so be kind to us, hmm? Calm down.”

Be kind to them? How about they be kind to me!

Okay, deep breathing. Backing away from him, running a hand through my hair, I turn slowly with an apologetic smile for the mountainous Afzal who is glaring at me.

“Finish your food,” he commands. “It will get cold.” As he says this, he opens the lower counter cupboard and places his fists inside. With two quick thumps, he bangs the indents out of the steel. The way he does this suggests this is a regular occurrence he’s used to setting right.

I hop back onto the stool and scoop up my fork in a shaking hand. Each time I try to pick up some couscous my shaking has it falling off the tines before it can reach my mouth. I need a spoon. With a long-suffering sigh, I place the fork down and rub my face. “You all scare me, okay? I know it may seem silly to you but it’s hard to focus on anything when you both stare at me.”

Iain chuckles and rubs my shoulder. I wish it was comforting but his hand is too cool and heavy to be normal. “We understand. I’m surprised yer still ‘ere after Daniel’s theatrics. Most would ‘ave run screaming, but there’s mettle in you. There must be, or Ben wouldn’t ‘ave looked twice let alone brought ye here to meet us.”

Rubbing my lips together, I watch Afzal closely as I say, “Adam says he would not have chosen me for Ben. He also said something about Ben telling me an important secret before he turns me. Do you know what he means?”

As I suspected, Afzal has strong feelings on this subject. His face twitches, and he looks at Iain his mouth opening. I just know he’s about to tell me what Adam meant.

I lean forward eagerly, forgetting my earlier fear.

“Och … aye,” Iain answers swiftly. “That. We willnae speak to ye about that.”

I deflate. Damn, I had thought I was going to discover whatever Ben appears to be keeping from me. Surely, I deserve to know a secret so fiercely guarded? Is it wrong of me to pump Ben’s people for information? Shouldn’t I be brave enough to ask my darling directly?

Ah, or are you afraid he won’t tell you Lee? You know what that will mean, don’t you? If you are to keep the promise, you made to yourself you must know everything before you let Ben chain you to him. Anyway, get out of your own head and pay attention. The bloodsuckers are talking!

“….and yer in no position to meddle. Ben must be the one to tell her if he wishes.”

“He will not. You know he will not, because he fears losing her. Tell me, wouldn’t you have wanted the knowledge before you were offered the choice of this life, Iain?” Afzal asks this throatily, nearly overcome with emotion, and in a surprisingly quiet voice.

Die, My Love (Dark Creature)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя