DML: Chapter Eight: Ben Takes Lee Home

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Ben’s bike coasts to a stop and he kills the engine. I tug my helmet off and shake out my hair. My face is still tender from where I hit the coffee table but the three aspirin helped a lot. It’s amazing the level of beating the human body can withstand.

Hmm. A field. Is this it? Ah, but am I missing the delicious gift Ben offers? If so, I’m thrilled by this surprise, and no matter how achy I am, I will not turn him down.

He has been quiet since his rescue of me earlier. He’s not happy, extremely unhappy, actually. I’m just relieved to have him within arms reach again to be honest. I guess I have to take back what I’ve promised myself, huh? Surely, no matter what he keeps a secret cannot be as bad as having to try to function and live without him.

Well, Lee, looks like you are willing to take that chance.

The inky sky is sprinkled with stars, and a picturesque waning moon. Wind whips through the long grass, rippling the fine strands, and wild flowers, which give off a sweet scent. Combine that with Ben’s spicy musk and I’m a happy girl. Will we make love under the stars? Will he feast on me until I come? Oh love. I lean into him and wrap my hands around his trim waist.

For the first time in what seems such a long time, Ben chuckles, and rubs the back of my hand with his own. He gets off the bike and picks me up, carries me in his arms. I like this look on him. Black leather, sleek black helmet, black boots. I know beneath this get up his eyes will be a kaleidoscope of dark browns with flecks of gold and hazel. His nostrils will flare and his eyes flux when he smells my arousal, and his own lust will rise like a tide to consume him, before he consumes me. Can he feel my passion, the need that burns in the core of me? Even after all we’d been through tonight I want him more than I’ll ever reasonably explain.

I open my thoughts to him, my mind, my body to show him how much he means to me, and I feel him stiffen, pull back mentally. This makes me sad, and I pat the side of his helmet. Still, after everything, he hides from me.

I feel his shock that I felt him distance himself from me, and his immediate apology. ’We’re home.’

Home? Ah, the field. I pause mentally. The meadow is pretty, but can I live in grass? I understand my needs when I became like him will be different, but surely, we need a roof, and four walls? A place to shower and a bed to love each other in. I flush. I could love him anywhere, and the very idea of him sliding inside of me for the first time is too strong to block, too urgent to not have my entire body heating.

He feels it, hears me, and his hold tightens. Mmm. I like it when he holds me this tightly. His desire is dammed behind a rock solid wall of determination, I think. I remember this mental barricade from the first time I entered his mind uninvited, carried over it by our combined pleasure. I will have fun breaking it, and bringing him to his knees.

Oh yes, I will break you, Ben. Your walls will tumble when I decide I no longer wish them in my way.

His reaction is to reinforce said iron will, but he doesn’t caution me to back off. ’Open your eyes, love. Open them wide.’

Luckily, I understand Ben, and so rather than retorting that my eyes are already open, I open myself fully, and gaze around inquisitively. There’s a tingling at the corner of my eyeballs, and the air bends, as if I look through a glass fishbowl. The field wobbles. Akin to melted wax, the air becomes lucent and oozes into nonexistence to leave behind a … castle!

I place a hand on Ben’s chest and he stops. I’m grateful he understands my every whim. He sets me down, his hands holding mine tenderly needing to stay connected. I exhale in a whoosh and accept what I see like I accepted Ben’s arrival in my life.

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