Part 13

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It's been two weeks since the Orange ball, dating Amelia has been as easy as breathing and we were growing closer each day. We haven't gotten past more than few intimate make out sessions, but I was ok with that knowing with everything that had happened, it would take time for her to fully trust anyone. I was happy that she'd been spending more time sleeping in my bed than hers. I think she knew she helped keep my nightmares at a minimum, and I hope I brought the same comfort to her.

The investigation had stalled, but luckily Mr. Lewis has kept brad too busy to cause further trouble. Morgan and her team have had their hand full lately with the recent event of ISIS, struggling to keep their activates out of the states, as it's becoming harder every day with the new recruits they manage to pick up around the world from different countries and the lack of support from our own president.

Today was one of those days she was able to grace us with her ever decreasing presence, we decided to have a quiet dinner for just the four of us. Morgan may have been in less contact with me, but I knew for sure she keep in touch with Lauren, I know there's something going on there, but Amelia assures me that when the time was right she was sure they would let us know.

I have been cooking all day making sure thing would be perfect tonight for all, I wanted to show off my cooking skills that I knew Lauren and Amelia were not aware of. If they would have actually looked closer at my bookshelf, they would have seen that it held more cookbooks than anything else. I have read each one cover to cover spending several nights perfecting some when we weren't on assignments in the middle of nowhere.

Tonight I planned on a favorite of Mogen's Individual Beef Wellington with Mushroom Duxelles served over a Madeira Sauce it was my way of thanking her for her efforts on my assignment even if it was handed over to W.A.T.T, she was still making sure anything related to Amelia was brought to my attention first.

The girls have arrived home a few minutes ago and I sent them off to get cleaned up for dinner as I set the table. I slipped downstairs to change my clothes, I walked into to the walk-in closet to see my beautiful girlfriend with ear buds in, humming softly as she listened to music hips swaying slowly. I bit down on my lip taking the sexy site before me, unable to contain myself any longer I walked up slowly behind her and snaked my arms around her pulling her into me as she reached up for a shirt, causing her to scream "it's ok baby," I tried to calm her. "It's just me, love," I said calmly as I held her to me. "It's ok, I'm sorry I scared you," her face held panic and I knew even if she was in a safe environment her it would still take some time for her to let her guard down, then again it may never happen.

Amelia turned in my arm and buried her face into my chest as I ran a hand in circles on her back in an attempt to soothe her while I held her tight to me. I placed a kiss on her forehead causing her to look up at me with a sheepish smile on her face. "I'm sorry," she said, "I don't know why I get so jumpy."

"It's ok, love, it happens to everyone." I leaned back to get a better look at her, only to come face to face with her huge grin "What?" I asked curiously.

She leaned up as kissed me briefly. "Nothing... Love," she giggled, making me realize what I called her, she grabbed a shirt and left me standing in the closet grinning. 'Was it possible to fall for someone after knowing them for such a short time?' I thought. But I knew the answer because I was way past falling for her, deciding to think of that thought later I made my way up to dinner.

The girls were impressed with dinner, while Morgan happily bragged about how I spent most of my free time reading cookbooks, "I don't understand why she doesn't give up that security analyst gig and open up a restaurant or something." She said while shoving a fork full into her mouth. . "Has she made you her pies yet?" I just shook my head at her rantings.

"Speaking of pies." Lauren chimed in, "have you thought about the trip to Columbus for Thanksgiving?" She said as she looked at me.

"I, um." I started only to be cut off my her.

"Lacey, you have to come, Amelia is coming. " I looked over to Amelia as she nodded. "Even Morgan said she'd come." I raised an eyebrow at Morgan, who also nodded. Out of everyone here, Morgan knew why I didn't want to be back in that house, or that state for that matter.

"I'll think about it," I said, finishing my wine and stood to head to the kitchen. "I'll be right back," I whispered to Amelia before leaving for the kitchen. I hated when my sister pressured me like this, especially using the fact that Amelia was going as well. I couldn't stand the idea of that man being anywhere near her, especially if he found out we were together. I needed to tell her everything tonight since I'm deciding to go now just to please my sister.

I stood lost in thought, staring into the freezer. When I felt the presence of a warm body pressed up against my back, which caused me to lean back excepting the comfort as her arms circled my waist. "Ley, is everything ok?" Amelia asked, concerned.

"It's Ley, now is it?" I smile at how she'd shortened my name.

She shrugged at the question, "you don't like it?"

"Call me what you will, I am yours." I leaned forward, capturing her lips with mine, the chill from the freezer diminished by the warmth of her body.

Amelia smiled against my lip, "are you sure you're ok?" she asked once she pulled away.

"I am now," I said, pulling her into me as I buried my face into her neck, breathing in her familiar vanilla scent. "Ready for dessert?" I asked, reaching behind me to pull open the oven.

"Cheesecake, really?" she squealed, "I'm keeping you Just so you know." she grinned with excitement, causing me to do the same.

After dinner Morgan and Lauren got comfortable with a movie while Amelia and I made our way to my room, I knew she was trying to cheer me up knowing I really did not want to be heading to Columbus next week. I'd have to tell her everything, first to make sure she stays away from my stepfather and secondly so she understood why I never returned there after I left.

"Dinner was amazing Ley, You constantly surprise me," Amelia said as she crawled into bed next to me. You are beautiful, smart, strong, musically talented, domestic, is there anything you are not capable of doing?" she smiled.

"There was a time not so long ago, where I was useless," I frowned, I need to tell you about it so you understand me better., why I do what I do and what changed me and still to this day haunts me."

"Ley, your sister told me about Jackie, I don't see how any of it was your fault," Amelia spoke. She only knew part of the story, Morgan was the only one who knew the truth in its entirety.

"You may feel different after you know the truth," I told her honestly as I looked into her green eyes. "But you need to know." She nodded, allowing me to continue as she shifted herself so she was leaning against the backboard of the bed.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang