Chapter 25- History Books And Punches

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Amanda's POV

The bell rang five minutes ago and the halls are all empty. I was too busy talking to Jen and Max and forgot to get my books out my lockers so here I am looking for my text book for history. The book is huge, but I can't find it! Where is it? Stupid book.

Well, the main reason why my I forgot to get my books is because Jen asked me to watch her phone while she went to the bathroom and I was freaking out because what if someone actually tried to steal it? Would I have to fight them? I'm not ready.

So yeah, I was distracted.

I feel a muscular arm snake around my waist. I know it's not Austin because Austin has a tan and whoever this is doesn't. I quickly turn around and realize whose arm it is. My heart rate picks up. This can't be good.

"Hey babe." Evan says.

I put my arms on his chest and try to push him off me but he is stronger than me and doesn't move at all. "Don't touch me!" I shout. "You look really sexy in black you know?" He says, his eyes gazing down at my body. He puts his hand on the side of my thigh and slowly moving upwards. "Evan, get off me!" I shout trying to push him off again but he doesn't move.

Nobody can hear me, the halls are dead quiet except the echo of my voice. Evan moves his hands to the back of my thighs and pulls me closer to him. "No!" I shout and he pushes me against the lockers and presses up closer against me. "Don't deny that you like it. I know you like it when I touch you." He whispers into my ear.

I shake my head, "Please, no." I can't move. I can't run. I can't do anything because he is pressed up against my body.

He moves his hands, letting them rub up my hips and the sides of my stomach. "Stop." I whisper and close my eyes.

Evan slowly starts to lift my dress from the bottom using his arm while rubbing his hands up my thighs. I can't explain how much I hate him. Can I punch him in the nose again?

A tear rolls down my cheek unwillingly. I don't want to cry in front of Evan but I feel so defenseless right now. He's touching me and I can't do anything about it.

Suddenly the pressure of Evans body against mine is gone. I hear a loud thud and a groan. I slowly open my eyes and see Evan lying against the floor with a hand pressed against his left eye.

Looking down at him is Austin with a smirk on his face. Evan gets up and punches Austin in the jaw. He is about to walk away when Austin tackles him to the ground, straddling his chest and he starts throwing punches at Evan's face. There is a cut on Evan's lips, his nose is bleeding and a black eye is forming. "Stop! Shit. Stop!" Evan shouts using his hands to try and block Austin's punches.

Our principle, Miss Colon, runs in and starts screaming at Austin to stop. Austin smirks and stands up looking at the bruised and bleeding Evan.

I stand against the locker and stare, too flabbergasted to move. Miss Colon looks at me, "Take Mr. Diesel to the nurse please young lady." She says. Austin's lip and jaw are bleeding. Austin leans down next to Even, making him flinch, and says, "Touch her again and you're dead." Then gets up and walks to me. "You okay miss jelly tots?" He asks. I nod slowly, "Come on let's take you to the nurse." I say.

He shakes his head, "I'm fine."

"No you're not, now let's go."

Austin pouts but listens to me, we leave Miss Colon alone with Evan and go to the nurses office.


A/N: Night in shining tinfoil ;P Anyway, what did you think of this chapter? So cute right? Stupid Evan, I honestly hate him (even if he has a really cute face) kind of reminds me of Theo from teen Wolf; hot but evil and needs to leave.

Song: Roses - chainsmokers

Question of the day: Do you like rain or nah?

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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