Chapter 41- Water And Lips

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Amanda's POV

Austin grabs my hips and pulls me right up against his bare chest. I think the perfect way to explain how hot Austin looks right now is to use the quote from Crazy, Stupid, Love: "Fuck, seriously... It's like you're Photoshopped."

It's a perfect description for Austin. He is so perfect that he looks Photoshopped and his going to kiss me.

"Ready?" he whispers and I nod again. I suck in a deep breath and Austin does the same, he then lifts my chin with his finger and leans down, pressing his damp lips against mine. Everyone else in the room goes completely silent, or maybe I just blocked out everything except Austin and I.

I am kissing the guy I like and he tastes so sweet. I think my legs won't be able to stay standing for much longer and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.

We both go down underwater in sync. My heart is racing so fast in my chest that I think it might run straight out and go far, far away.

I open my lips slightly and Austin slips his tongue into my mouth. I've done this so many time with Evan but it has never felt this good.

Austin lifts his hands up and holds my face, his one hand slips into my hair and presses me even closer towards him. I don't think it's possible for me to get any closer to him. I lift my one hand and run my thumb against his cheek and he let's out a moan, bubbles floating to the surface of the pool. My whole body starts to tingle and I could swear at this moment, I'm on cloud nine.

No, this kiss means nothing. It can't mean anything. Just a kiss. Just a kiss. Oh my God, it can't just be a kiss. I don't want it to be but it is and Austin believes it is so that is all it will ever be.

I don't want this kiss to end. He tastes so good and his lips feel like heaven against mine.


He likes Gina.


I push my hands against Austin's chest and push away from him. I let out all of the air in my lungs and then I push my feet against the ground, coming up for air.

Once I come up, I suck in a huge breath of air and start coughing slightly but I recover quickly.

I wipe the water off my face and watch as Austin lifts out the water, seeming like he didn't hold his breath at all.

Of course, he probably kisses girls all the time, even underwater. Austin smiles at me and brushes a hand through his hair.

He is so freaking hot. Like, he is so hot you could fry eggs on him.

I was just trying to crack a joke. Ha, I'm so funny. Not the time, Amanda!

I just kissed Austin ... And I liked it.

A lot.

Austin laughs and turns to Jordan to give him a dare. I don't hear what the dare is because I stopped listening.

All I can think about as that stupid kiss. What if it does mean something to me. I know it was more then just a kiss. I could feel it. I want more but I can't have more, that was a one time blessing thanks to my amazing best friend, Jen.

"Guys I'm going to go shower, I'll see you later." I say and climb out the pool. I'm not really into it anymore and I know I won't be able to concentrate with Austin right next to me. How am I going to sleep with Austin in bed with me.

I turn on the tap and run a bath for myself. I can't remember the last time I had a actual bath, not a shower, a bath. This bath looks so nice. It's also made out of granite the surface feels really smooth.

Once the bath is full of water and lavender scented soap, I slip in, covering my entire body, except my head, in steaming hot water. I put my head against the back of the bath and close my eyes, taking in the amazing and relaxing lavender smell.

All I can think about is Austin. His body. His hair. His tattoo. His eyes. Him. He is all that my mind can think about and no matter how hard I try I can't get the kiss out of my head.

This was not like my first kiss with him, something changed and I don't know what. I loved that kiss and the way he tasted- No!

Tissues! Thinks about tissues. They're so soft and you can use them for so many things. What am I doing? My subconscious is still thinking about Austin even if I don't want to so why an I trying to stop it?

I'm scared. Terrified that he will hurt me. That's why I don't want to admit it.

I don't want to admit that I'm in love with Austin Diesel.


A/N: Unrequited love... Or is it? DUN DUN DUNNN! xxx Hope you guys enjoyed this update ;) I tried to make it longer for you weirdos :P see you soon <3

Song: Boombox - Laura Marano

Question of the day: Yes or no? ;)

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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