Chapter Eight

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Miles pulled up into Myrtle's driveway. "Thanks for the ride, Miles. And for going with me this morning to see Rose."

Miles was carefully backing out when he saw that Myrtle was not walking to her front door at all, but was heading down the sidewalk, leaning fairly heavily on her cane. "Aren't you done for today? I thought it was time for your soap?"

Myrtle grinned at him. "You know it's time for my soap. That's because you're hooked on it, too. I'm fine on my own, Miles. You should go ahead and fix yourself a grilled cheese and sit down in front of Tomorrow's Promise for a while."

Miles closed his eyes briefly as if praying for patience. Then he pushed open the passenger side door. "Hop on in."

"But you were planning on going back home!"

"I guess I'll end up going back home just a little later than I'd planned. Besides, sidekicks are supposed to go along with the sleuths—that's the whole point of being a sidekick. So I'll go along with you to...?" Miles gave Myrtle an expectant look.

"To Maxine Tristan's house," supplied Myrtle.

"To Maxine's house," said Miles. He sighed. "Even though Maxine makes me a bit flustered." He took off his glasses and wiped the lenses on his shirt as if even thinking about the woman was making him rattled.

Myrtle sat back down in the passenger seat with a bit of a thump. Her knees were starting to give her some complaints this afternoon, although she'd never admit it to Miles. He continued backing up, giving Red a brief wave as he and Myrtle headed back out again.

Myrtle resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at Red. She knew he was the one behind Miles's courteous chauffeuring. Red must have come home for lunch and that was the second time he'd given Miles that wave of approval and thanks. Most irritating. And now Myrtle was feeling in a rather grouchy mood, when she hadn't been before. "We've spent all day together," groused Myrtle. "People will say we're having a love affair."

Miles raised his eyebrows at her. "Since when do you mind what people say?"

"Well, you know. Small town and all of that. And I do mind what people say. I absolutely despise it when people call me sweetie and young lady. Especially young lady in that jaunty kind of tone. Makes me want to smack them."

Myrtle continued fuming in the passenger seat and Miles wisely stayed silent until she got it out of her system. When Myrtle appeared to be simmering down a bit, Miles cautiously said, "Remind me again about Maxine? I mean...remind me why she's a suspect. What's her motive, again?"

"Well, I was tipped off to Maxine when she was positively grinning when Naomi's death was announced at book club. It wasn't merely inappropriate—it was quite telling. Lena Fowler also brought up Maxine. She wouldn't tell me much, but she mentioned that Maxine saw Naomi as competition of some kind. I guess Maxine must have thought that Naomi was after her boyfriend—something like that! That does seem to be Naomi's usual modus operandi. But Maxine doesn't seem like the kind of woman men leave. I mean, she's quite attractive," said Myrtle.

Miles grew flustered again. Really, this was going to be most amusing if Miles kept getting discombobulated whenever Maxine or Maxine's appearance was brought up. He must have quite a crush.

They arrived at a small white house with a bit of gingerbread trim on the sides and a front porch just large enough to hold three rocking chairs.

"It almost looks as if she knew we were coming. Look, three chairs, Miles," said Myrtle.

A Body at Book Club: Myrtle Clover #6Where stories live. Discover now