Louis Tomlinson and the Vibrator

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From: http://ibravery.tumblr.com/post/29389061516/louis-tomlinson-and-the-vibrator-a-oneshot


Rating: NC-17

Warnings: smut; pure smut.

Summary: What the hell was Styles thinking? Torturing him like this. A vibrator for crying out loud!


Louis had sworn to himself that he had went to bed after last nights… activities, wrapped in Harry’s arms, which was he was a little more than shocked to wake up to cold sheets, and a note left in the other brunette’s place.

Sitting up groggily, Louis wiped the sleepiness from his eyes, and lifted the small note, reading it to himself quietly.

“Morning, Boo bear,” Louis chuckled to himself at the first line. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to wake up with early morning kisses – I know they’re your favorite.” The tanned male smiled widely to himself; he adored the fact the Harry knew him so well, even about something as silly as his favorite type of kisses.

“I promise to make it up to you,” Louis kept reading. “In fact, if you look inside your bedside table drawer, there is something waiting for you.” The note ended there, leaving Louis slightly confused but reached over to his bedside table, and opened to drawer anyways, and gaped at what was inside.

Picking up the object, Louis noticed there was a note taped to it as well. Taking off the note, and setting the object down on his bed, choosing to ignore it as his Hazza’s word were more important.

“Hi again, Lou,” the note started off again this time. “I know what you must be thinking. ‘A vibrator? What on Earth does he have in mind,’ and I’ll tell you, when I see you later today at the studio, but for now, I want you to put it in, and leave it. Don’t you dare think about taking it out, or I’ll have to punish you.” The note ended with a written ‘I love you,’ leaving Louis to stare at the obstruction.

Put it and leave it? Harry’s note was right, one hundred percent right. Louis was thinking what the bloody hell Harry is thinking.

However, he didn’t want to think about what Harry’s ‘punishment’ – or maybe he did, but he’ll never admit to liking things bit rough – might be, so Louis grabbed the toy, an outfit from his closet, and prepared to get ready for the day.


The boys were only half on hour into their recording, and Louis was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with that… thing in him, and feeling Harry smirking at him every time they were in close proximity.

A quarter into his solo in their new song, Louis felt the vibrator spring to life a moment, automatically causing him to moan lowly as it was near his prostate.

“Louis, did you just… moan,” Niall asked, taking a step away from him.

There was no point in hiding it as they had just recorded it, so Louis admitted to it. “Uh, yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

“Mate, I love you like a brother, but that’s as far as I go. You’ve got that lad over there for… that,” Niall said, point to Harry after choosing to stand next to Liam as it started getting awkward.

“No – it’s not like that, Ha-“ and then the intercom cut him off.

“Alright, alright. Take a break, lads. Niall and Zayn, you’re done. Go home if you want,” Paul said roughly.

As the others filed out, Louis made a grab for Harry, pulling him into the nearest loo, and locking themselves in it once he made sure it was clear.

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