Feeling Alone

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From: http://archiveofourown.org/works/842382


Rating: Explicit

Warnings: feels, angst, don't let me go inspired, smut

Word count: 12860

Summary: Harry and Louis are broken up. But it's Niall's birthday party, and they don't want to ruin it for the boy. So the only solution is to pretend they're still together, right? It all gets very complicated.


When Louis parks at the end of the street, Harry is already waiting for him under a tree just meters away. He feels heavy, his coat weighing him down like a ton of bricks.

It's Niall's Birthday party, and Louis and Harry haven't missed one since they met the young man. Harry lets himself stare at Louis, watches as the familiar figure creeps closer to him until they're face to face. Maybe from afar, they look like a couple just looking intimately into each other's eyes. But this close, this close Harry can see there's nothing but resentment there and a glint of something inexplicable. A car passes by, its headlights illuminating Louis' face for a fraction of a second.

All he sees is blue.

And Harry has to look away.

"Well, aren't you early," Harry shivers because it's been a while since he's heard Louis' voice without the crack of his mobile. It's casual and a little cold, but it still sounds so much like Louis. Harry has to gulp before he can speak.

"You're just late," Harry tries to sound sharp. Louis scoffs.

"I'm never late, you dimwit," Louis says casually, and Harry doesn't know if it's an insult or a term of endearment.

So he just follows Louis to the front porch, because apparently, Louis doesn't need to wait for Harry any more. Harry's heart twinges a bit at that, but it's nothing compared to what Harry has felt the past two months, so he thinks he'll be alright. Louis is already ahead by several steps, and Harry thinks that might mean something more than what it actually does, so he jogs a bit to catch up. 

When Louis rings the doorbell, Harry is immediately behind him. Louis' hair smells like shampoo and honey and something distinctly Louis, and Harry suddenly remembers the nights when he would wake up because of a terrible dream, and since Louis wouldn't wake, Harry would just lay still and smell Louis' hair and let the scent envelop his senses until it's all he can think about. Until he finally falls asleep with the thoughts of Louis Louis Louis.

He chokes out a sob, but thankfully the sound is muffled by the noise of Niall's door creaking open accompanied by an excited shout from the Irishman.

"You made it!" He exclaims with arms wide open, and Louis instantly swoops in for a hug. Harry suddenly feels cold, and it has absolutely nothing with the breeze on his back.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Louis breathes into his neck, and Harry agrees silently. Maybe it's the way Louis breathes into Niall's skin, or the way Louis kisses him on the cheek, but Harry finally feels the burn of missing Louis.

Before long, it's his turn for the hug. That's the only reason, at least Harry tells himself, that he stays in Niall's arms for much longer than necessary. If he knows that Louis has always been irrationally jealous of Niall, Harry can just tell himself that he's never noticed. And if he hears Louis make an impatient huff, Harry can just pretend as if the whistling wind was too loud for him to hear.

When they break apart, Louis is already walking away without him, and Niall just looks at him expectantly as if Harry's the reason that Louis has walked away in a slightly foul mood. It's more or less true, save for the part about Louis' mood being slightly foul. Harry's pretty sure it's more than slightly, but Niall doesn't need to know that, so Harry just shrugs as if to say what can you do.

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