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Everything feels perfect when you are with someone that you love. Ginger and I have been dating for almost a year now, two more weeks and it's our anniversary already.

I cant think of anything to give her and the thought of it is making my head hurts. I want to give her something memorable and special. I leaned on my seat and groaned in frustration.

She already gave me the one thing that many people want from their partners, her virginity. Though we're both girls, it's still a privilege that I'm her first.

I smiled remembering the first time that I had her. She's just so fragile, so soft like a baby. Thinking of it turns me on already, nothing compares to what she gave me because it's priceless and I can't do the same because I've been to a lot of relationships before.

"What if I give her a laptop?" I muttered but shook my head afterwards because I know that she won't accept it.

I groaned again in frustration and knocked my head on the steering wheel. I'm already in front of Maya's house, she's the first one that came to my mind because she's good at giving advices and suggestions.

"Is Maya here?" I asked as soon as the maid opened the gate. She nodded before letting me in.

I headed straight to her room and saw her lying lazily on her bed while listening to Yiruma.

"What brings you here girl?" she asked before opening her right eye.

"Uhm... you know it's been a year since Ginger and I started dating" I replied while scratching my head. She laughed softly.

"Yeah it's your anniversary in two weeks time"

"I was hoping if you could give me an idea on what to give her. I can't think of anything because she hates expensive things and I don't want to give her cheap things either" I sighed before sitting on the other side of her bed.

She turned her back on me afterwards and thought for a while.

"Then don't give her things"

"Huh? Then what should I give her?" I asked confused.

"Just bring her somewhere. If you want, you can bring her mother as well, I think that would be best" she paused to yawn.

"Ginger is the type of person who don't fancy expensive things, so bringing her somewhere she would enjoy is much better. What about Boracay or Palawan?" she suggested flatly.

I smiled because that's a good idea. She seems still sleepy so I stood up and kissed her cheeks in appreciation.

"Thank you Maya! You're the best!" she just waved her hands to shoo me as a response.

Boracay is one of the many places that I enjoy so much but I prefer bringing Ginger and her mom to Coron, Palawan. I called our family's favorite traveling agency immediately and booked for three.

I'm not gonna tell Ginger about my plan until the day of our flight so that she can't refuse. She has a work today but I'm sure that her mom is at home. I need to tell her my plan to back me up if ever Ginger still refuses.

I arrived in front of their house after thirty minutes. I walked inside immediately and found her cooking while wearing a silly red apron.

"Uhmm Mom?" She flinched upon hearing my voice.

"Oh dear" she hugged me when she recovered.

"Ooops sorry, I stink" she said chuckling before letting go of our hug.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now