Ch.17 Assuming does hurt.

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I'm already drunk but I need to go home because I promised dad that I'll be home before midnight.

I arrived at the front door feeling so numb, I even stumbled when I stepped on the mat, good thing I landed on the couch.

"Thanks couch! You're my hero!" I said chuckling before giving it a peck. I frowned when I heard the maid laughed.

"You are drunk ma'am, too bad the couch can't complain" I laughed out loud. I'm close to all of our maids, I treat them all as equal to me.

"Where's dad? I thought we will discuss something?" I asked while trying my best to not fall asleep.

"He has to meet someone urgently so he advised us to tell you that he'll just talk to you tomorrow" I pouted in regret.

"He should have texted me, I'm enjoying the party! I sneaked out because he said it's important" I said while stomping my feet.

"I understand you, Alessa is upset too. She surprised your dad to eat dinner with him but as soon as she arrived your dad left" I smirked at the thought that she's here.

"Where is she?" I asked flatly not wanting the maid to notice that I am excited.

"In your dad's room" the maid replied politely before leaving me to sleep.

"Waiting for dad huh? Well here's the daughter" I mumbled before heading to dad's room.

I want to see her, it's midnight so I'm sure that she's already asleep.

I smiled in rejoice when the door is not locked, I opened it gently to avoid making a sound. It sucks to know that she's waiting for my dad and not me.

The dim light is on so I can see that she's wearing a negligee. My body started heating up, she's beautiful even when she's asleep. I missed touching her and it's been a long time since the last.

I laid down beside her but I can't control my lust so I kissing her shoulders. We're both enjoying the moment but when she found out that it's me, she immediately refused and kicked me out the room.

It sucks because I never thought that she would refuse me, She even slapped me and told to my face that she loves my dad. I became furious, my anger and jealousy is eating me which caused me to almost rape her, but I don't feel any guilt because she deserved it.

I changed my clothes and took a shower to make myself sober. I'm about to go to the kitchen to drink water when I heard dad.

"He already arrived" I muttered frowning.

I peeked outside of my door and saw him kissing Alessa while caressing her butt and breast.

"Fuck!" I cursed before shutting the door loud enough for them to hear.

I decided to play League of Legends to clear up my mind. Knowing that my dad and my ex-girlfriend is having sex in the other room is frustrating.


I don't want to go to school because I feel so lazy and I just want to lay on my bed all day. I don't want to come out too because I don't wan't to see Alessa and dad flirting, it's suffocating to see.

I'm hungry though so I decided to just call the maid.

"Bring me food please" I said between yawning. I rolled my eyes when dad spoke.

"Nope come down here GG, I need to talk to you about something"

"Dad can't it wait?" I don't wanna see Alessa.

My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Where stories live. Discover now