My visit with Angie

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It was the morning of the next day. Joe woke up to find Jamie asleep next to him, on the window seat. He was thinking about Angie again. 'If I call her she will panic. Maybe I should have Jamie talk to her first.....' Joe thought to himself. Jamie woke up and looked around, thinking it had all been a dream, until Joe said "Good morning Jamie." Jamie looked at Joe and smiled. 'It wasn't a dream. He's real and he's alive.' Jamie thought.

"Good morning." Jamie said. It felt so good for Joe to hear his voice again. He realized he had missed Jamie the most.

"I want to call Angie today. Do you know where she lives?" Joe asked.

"She moved away for a while, but she couldn't resist coming back. She has always been a New York girl, at heart." Jamie said.

Joe suddenly got nervous. "What if I call and scare her? Can you call her and chat her up and then pass the phone to me, to soften the blow and shock?" Joe asked.

"Still the same as ever I see." Jamie said.

"So will you talk to her and explain things?" Joe asked, his nerves getting the better of him.

"Yes I will. Actually I haven't talked to her in a few weeks. I want to see how she is doing." Jamie replied.

Joe went to the kitchen and put on the kettle. He roamed around the fridge, and found breakfast items to cook. "Do you still like hard boiled eggs?" Joe asked.

"Yep, I haven't eaten them any other way, since you.... well since then." Jamie replied.

Joe filled a pot with water and placed 4 eggs inside. He turned on the burner on the stove and place the pot to boil. "You don't eat sausage, if I remember correctly. I found turkey bacon in the fridge, is this okay?" Joe asked. He didn't want to cook anything, his brother wouldn't eat.

"Yes, that sounds perfect. Thanks for cooking breakfast." Jamie replied with a smile.

Jamie busied himself with making a few phone calls. One was to Erin, making sure she got the bread for Sunday dinner. The other was to Eddie, reminding her to pick up her dry cleaning. The last phone call took the longest. He called Angie and it was rough. "Hey Angie how are you doing?" Jamie asked into the phone.

"Well I've been better..." Angie trailed off into the phone.

"I may be able to make things better." Jamie said into the phone.

"I'm listening..." Angie said into the phone.

"You know how we always talked, about what we would do, if Joe were alive. Well we don't have to talk anymore." Jamie explained into the phone.

"How come? Do you not want to talk about him anymore?" Angie asked feeling very sad.

"Actually I was wondering if you could come over. I could really use the company and I can serve his favorite tea. Do you think you could come after breakfast?" Jamie asked.

"Yes I can, but that doesn't answer my question." Angie said.

"I want to talk about him with you over tea." Jamie answered.

"I will be there at 11." Angie said and hung up her end.

Jamie hung up his end and then walked over to the island, to sit on a stool. "She will be here around 11 am. You should get ready after breakfast." Jamie said, as Joe placed his breakfast in front of him.

"Perfect." Joe said.

The pair ate breakfast, their first meal together in a very long time. Jamie had better breakfasts then this, at diners or cooked by Grandpa, but to him this meal was perfect. A few tears slipped down his face and he tried to wipe them away. "Jamie what's wrong?" Joe asked, noticing his apparent sadness.

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