Lunch with Erin

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Jamie woke up, and had the events of yesterday, floating around in his head. It had been an amazing day, and an amazing date with Eddie.


Jamie had just walked into the apartment, arriving home from his date with Eddie. Joe and him had said "I just had the best date.", at the exact same time.

Jamie chuckled and said "So tell me about your date."

Joe had started talking about reconnecting with Angie, and how it felt like they had never been apart. "She laughed at all my jokes, just like before, and she talked about our favorite food truck. The one that makes panini's and I told her we had plenty of time to eat there and be together." Joe had said.

"Sounds like an amazing lunch date." Jamie commented.

"I want to marry this woman. She completes me, and I can't see myself with anyone else but her." Joe expressed.

"Boy you got it bad huh Connor." Jamie said, and let out a laugh. Sometimes when Jamie was teasing Joe, he called him by his middle name, and this was no exception.

"Laugh it up, but I heard you got it bad for Officer Janko." Joe called him on it.

Jamie blushed and shuffled his feet. "Aha I got you. So how was your date then? Did the pretty Officer kiss you?" Joe asked.

"No... I kissed her. Our date went great. We always eat at Metro Burger, and we always get the NYC underground burger and fries, and we did everything the same. Only this time I told her how I felt." Jamie started. "I told her that kissing her before, and then telling her it was a mistake, was a mistake and that I really wanted to be with her all this time. She was shocked and I told her to consider us, and also to give us a chance. She said she would give us a chance, so I guess we have to file for new partners." Jamie  finished.

"Wow and I thought my life was complicated, but good for you. I'm so happy for you and so proud of you. You totally manned up today, and you did something that was really hard for you." Joe said and clapped him on the back, in a brotherly gesture.

"Yeah I never thought I would be able to do it, but now that I have, I realized it wasn't as scary, as I thought it would be." Jamie admitted.

"Being brave isn't just something we do in cop mode. We also have to strive, to be brave in our personal lives too." Joe said.

"I know and I also have this funny feeling, that Mom would have really liked Eddie. Mom would have saw all the amazing qualities, that I see in Eddie, and would have said she was perfect for me." Jamie said with a hint of sadness.

Jamie realized, that while he got his brother back, his mother would not be returning. Cancer had taken her and she was in a better place. He still couldn't help days when he missed her, and longed for her warm hugs. "I know she would have. Mom was such a free spirit and she was amazing. She really did a good job with all of us. I mean we all turned out great didn't we. Erin is a great lawyer and Danny is a detective and you went to Harvard law and became a cop. She did something right." Joe concluded.

Jamie hugged Joe and then said "Let's get dinner started, so we can have a nice meal together."

[End flashback]

Joe walked into the kitchen, and saw Jamie sitting on the window seat with a cup of tea, staring out the window. "Anything interesting out there, that I should know about?" Joe said in a teasing voice.

"Not really, I just like doing this, when I wake up in the morning. I used to look out the window and pretend that you were out there somewhere, and you were coming home soon." Jamie said.

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