Spend forever with me

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It was finally the day. Joe had invited Angie out to dinner for this evening, and he was so excited. He had visited his safety deposit box, earlier in the week, after proving he was indeed alive and well. He only took out two things. The first being a beautiful Celtic men's ring on a chain he used to wear all the time, and the second an engagement ring. He had purchased it many years ago, for Angie and planned to finally use it. "Morning Jamie. You better hurry or you will be late for work with Officer Janko." Joe teased.

"Yeah yeah. I'm going. I'll be back before you leave for your date." Jamie said as he grabbed his coat and put it on.

"Have a great tour. Dad said he was making the arrangements for me to start at the 12th soon." Joe said.

Jamie gave him a quick hug and said "That's great news. I can't wait to see you at the house." before leaving the apartment and driving off to work.

Jamie drove to work and when he got into the precinct, he met Eddie. She was smiling and she whispered "Hello darling."

It threw Jamie off guard and he whispered "Oh hello sweetheart." before he walked into the men's locker room.

'What was that? Crap we totally sound like a couple. Better tone it down.' Jamie thought as he got changed.

Jamie quickly changed and waited patiently outside the women's locker room for Eddie. Kara walked out and stopped when she noticed it was Jamie waiting. "She's struggling with her hair. I tried to help her, but she shooed me away. Anyways congrats." Kara said with a knowing smile.

"Oh err... thanks. Tell Regetti to take good care of you." Jamie said, and she nodded and walked off.

5 minutes later Eddie came out with her hair in a wavy ponytail. "Isn't that how you had your hair when you came in?" Jamie asked.

"Ugh.... I can't get it to work for me today." Eddie let out a frustrated sigh.

"Sit on that bench and give me a few minutes and I will fix it. If we are chasing someone and they pull your hair it could end badly for you." Jamie said in a concerned voice.

Eddie sat down and Jamie took her elastic out. He quickly braided her hair, and then spiraled it into a bun, before putting the elastic in place. "There. Now I won't worry about you all tour." Jamie said as he stared at her hair.

"Thanks Jamie." Eddie said, grateful to have such a resourceful partner.

The pair got their radios and then went off to start their tour.

Back at the apartment, Joe was making a pot of his favorite tea and a bagel, when he thought about Angie. 'I should text her and wish her a wonderful day at work.' Joe thought.

He grabbed his iPhone and sent a text message to her. "Good morning Angie sweetheart. I hope you are having a wonderful morning."

"Good morning Joe. My morning is going great."

"Are you on your way to work? I wanted to wish you a wonderful day at work."

"Aww thank you sweetie. I'm just on my way to my counseling appointments, with the ladies at the women's shelter."

"You are such a kind person. You really care about others. That's why I love you so much, because of your big heart."

"I love you, because you always fight for what you feel is right. I have to go now, I arrived at my stop and have to get off the metro. See you tonight. <3"

"See you tonight sweetheart. Stay safe."

Joe smiled as he finished texting her and sat down to drink his cup of tea. He enjoyed the quiet of the apartment, but he was looking forward to going back to work as a cop. He loved the thrill of catching the bad guy, but when he was in the warrant squad, he had missed being a detective. Finally he was going to be a detective again like Danny. He knew he would probably get grilled by Danny, but he was ready for anything his older brother threw at him.

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