Chapter 108

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April 3 3019 TA

Thranduil arrived at the Palace but slipped in without letting anyone else know. He slipped into his room and took off his armour. He ran water over his body to take off any blood that was still on him. He then changed into a black tunic, leggings, and boots. He slipped a cloak of the same color over his shoulders and hesitantly reached for the crown he wished dearly he had never had to make.

It was the crown of his mourning. It was a metallic black and shaped in the way of thorns. The thorns that represented the imaginary blades that seemed to pierce his heart the many times this had happened. He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. Things as this should not happen.

Then he slipped out into the hallways, avoiding everyone but who he sought. Tawarthion, meet me in my office.

When Tawarthion arrived he appeared shocked. "Your Majesty!"

"Sit," Thranduil said. Tawarthion was shocked into silence before he sat. "Listen, the battles are over and our forest has been won. The armies have orders already. When a quarter of the army returns here, make sure you send some of them out with healers for those who are injured and some out with those capable of reviving trees and making the forest flourish again. It is possible that Galadriel may also try to aid us in this, and all the help we can get is needed. Particularly where the forest was burned. I am leaving for Gondor. Wait for two weeks, and then send an ambassador that way. There is no need to bring a horse. Mine is already on its way. You are in charge."

"Thranduil!" Tawarthion cried as the king stood and made to leave.

"I threatened once to give you the throne, and now you will have it for a little while. Good luck," Thranduil said and was halfway out the door. "Oh, and tell Galion that my armour is awaiting him in my room." And then he disappeared.

"Why can I never win with him?" Tawarthion muttered.

April 5 3019

Legolas sat in the tent. He had left it a few times. On the first Elrohir had readily apologized profusely to him and Legolas had forgiven him without much thought. On the second he had rejoined the conscious fellowship members and had made attempts to act normal. Though it was clear he was not normal, it had been said that he was usually the first to make attempts to laugh and smile again. He never really smiled but he did give a few half-hearted laughs.

Gimli noted that he sang a few songs but they were much more somber than he usually sang. As of now, however, he sat silent next to his sister. Then he heard a choked breath and then a sigh. He turned to examine Haldir who had yet to make any move. "Haldir?"

Sweat beaded on the Marchwarden's forehead and Legolas worriedly put his hand on his forehead. Haldir became more and more restless and Legolas started to call for Aragorn before Haldir shot up violently. Legolas jumped back and then approached Haldir more cautiously. "Mellon?"

Haldir's eyes shot to his, looking cornered. Legolas lifted his hands and backed away. He watched as Haldir tried to stand but collapsed back onto the bed. Haldir frowned and inspected himself. Glancing up he first saw Legolas and then his eyes caught the figure lying beside him. His eyes widened and he started to stand and rush forward but Legolas caught him.

Murmuring softly he tried to calm what should have been his brother. Haldir, however, took one look at him and pulled away before running outside and into the woods.


Thranduil had gotten back onto the Eagle's back and it took off. Its wings beat gently as it turned southward and went toward Gondor. "We have always passed down our promise to your family from the same story. That you once saved one of us. For that we always respected you."

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