Chapter 7

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"Why did you wander off?" The King asked. Almiel stood rather forlornly off to the side. She seemed dazed and had only recently extracted herself from her brother. Legolas stood off behind her seemingly confused.

What happened? Thranduil asked. Legolas shared the memory with his father as well as his suspicions. Thranduil frowned, remembering. She may not survive the coming days…

"Ada?" Almiel's voice asked.


"I-I was on my way home, but… I… I felt something I hadn't before. I wanted to see it, to help it. It was so scared… I just…" She broke off. It was the first time she had openly admitted what she could do. Thranduil sighed. He was about to speak when Taenron rushed into the room.

"My Lord, a patrol has just returned. I need to speak with you immediately." Thranduil paused looking at Almiel.

Legolas, take her to your room and stay there. I'll tell you what has happened later.

Yes Ada.

"Come Almiel." He said softly. Almiel slowly joined her brother. He put his hand on her shoulder and led her away. Thranduil watched concerned. The new information was shocking and a little bit disturbing. He sighed and turned to face his captain.


"Here try to sleep." Legolas said. Almiel looked at the bed and then shook her head. Come sister, you must rest. Almiel looked at him. She could feel his fear for her.

Why do you worry for me? She asked.

Because you are my sister. She looked out their window glancing at the sunset.

I never meant to scare you. She finally said after the sun went down. I was not really in danger.

Almiel… you were caught in a web.

So? The spider never would have killed me.

How do you know? It wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

It feared me too much. I'm not sure why though. I didn't want it to be scared.

Legolas hoped his thoughts were his own at the moment. He thought he knew exactly why. The spider had never encountered a being that knew a spider's fear before. If he had been a spider… he would have been mortified.

Come child, you still need sleep. He picked her up and set her down gently on the bed.


"Shhh…" He hushed her and closed her eyes. She touched his arm and he felt warmth coming from her. She then visibly relaxed and sighed. In minutes she was asleep.

Legolas? Legolas jumped. It had been nearly two hours since Almiel had fallen asleep during which it had been only him and his thoughts.


No its your mother… really? (laced with sarcastic thoughts)

Legolas sighed. I'm sorry, you scared me.

Is she asleep?

Yes, she's not likely to wake up either.

Then come to my study. We need to speak.

Yes Ada.

A couple minutes later Legolas entered his father's study. Thranduil barely glanced up from the paper he was writing on.

"What's wrong?"

"I fear war."

Legolas stood shocked for a minute. "War?" He finally managed to ask.

Thranduil sighed, "I fear it so."

"How…?" Legolas started. He broke off wondering what the patrol could have found.

Thranduil smiled weakly. He then pointed out the map. "The patrol was not a normal one. It was one I had sent out awhile ago to scout the forests. It was some of our best." He saw the look on Legolas' face. "Worry not, only one was injured. They went through a large part of Mirkwood. And they found something, here." He placed a small silver figurine on the map. Legolas paled when he saw it.

"Dol Gulder?"

Thranduil nodded slowly. "One of them was old enough to have fought in the Last Alliance. He felt a presence there he had not since before you were born."

Legolas paled. The Dark One? Thranduil did not bother answering.

"For awhile things have been happening." Taking another figurine he put it on Moria. "Moria has been overtaken by something and many Dwarves are fleeing as well as some Silvan Elves that have fled south out of Lórien. The Witch-King reappeared and has been orchestrating chaos, particularly in Gondor. And most recently Minas Ithil has become Minas Morgul and the last King has been lost forever. His bloodline endurs but a steward now rules over Gondor. Lórien was the first to notice Dol Gulder had been darkening, but were not sure until a patrol of ours and theirs met up. Mirkwood and Lórien are now tied into this and someone is needed to take a message to Elrond in Imladris." He pointed at the paper he had been writing before Legolas had come in.

Legolas shifted. "You wish for me to go?" Thranduil nodded. "But what if there is a battle? You'll need me." Thranduil cocked his head.

"Perhaps, but you're leaving someone out." Legolas' eyes narrowed.


"Yes, if her range, both in distance and in life forms, is increasing I don't want her anywhere near a battle." Especially if the presence is who it is suspected of being. And even if its not, she still doesn't need to feel anyone like that. He told Legolas silently. "Besides, I'm sure she'll want to see more of the world." Legolas stared at the map slowly tracing his finger around every place they had talked about.

"How long?" Thranduil glanced at the map.

"Go fast there, but take your time coming back. Go to Lórien instead of coming here. I will send word for you to return. While your there act as ambassador. I don't know what will be happening in the coming years but I will need a representative there. Send messages to me through someone else." Legolas slowly nodded.

"Fine, but you'll still need me." Thranduil smiled.

You certainly have my stubborn nature. "Go at dawn the day after tomorrow. Use tomorrow to prepare."

"Will we take horses?" Thranduil nodded.

"Yes, I can't afford sending Taenron with you, but a certain friend of yours was on the patrol from Lórien that met up with ours and he's agreed to go." Legolas frowned.


Aw, come on, you taught him how to shoot when he visited us here before. Legolas' eyes widened.

"Haldir?" Thranduil smiled.

"Yes, I should hope the two best Elven marksmen can protect my daughter." It was Legolas' turn to grin.

You don't really change much do you? Taking away Lórien's best marchwarden for your own daughter? Such a sacrifice.

Thranduil humphed. You'll understand if you ever get married and have children.

Legolas pretended to look offended. "To who?" Thranduil crossed his arms.

"Anyone, it's about time the Crown Prince got married anyway. I was hoping for grandchildren eventually." Legolas sighed.

"I'll just be going now. Maybe I'll find someone in Imladris and just stay there since you don't need me here. You can come visit if you wish to see your grandchildren." He started walking off. Thranduil did not stop him, but instead left him with some parting words.

You're only bitter because that one elleth turned you down for the mere peasant. Legolas did not stop but Thranduil chuckled as he saw the tips of his ears grow red.

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