Chapter 40

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Gandalf watched her in silence as the thought dawned on him and for the first time he questioned his sanity in asking the only daughter of the Elvenking to accompany him on a dangerous and now perhaps perilous quest to enter Dol Gulder. Then Almiel smiled thinly. It was my choice Mithrandir, and I will not die here.

If you say so, Gandalf replied. Her eyes twinkled then, much like his in fact. Do you know if he is indeed Sauron?

I think it is… I never felt someone like him before. I'll have to get closer.

Fine, but if we wish to communicate from here on, it'll have to be through this like we are doing now. If you wish to get my attention, signal somehow.

(chuckle) You are really instructing a Wood-Elf… or an Elf in general, in how to be silent?


I would be more worried about you.

Gandalf chose not to reply but instead sighed and motioned them forward. They drew as shadows toward the fortress. They made it to the fortress without hindrance. There Almiel signaled to him.

I can keep them blind to our entrance for one of their fears is being discovered. By healing a small part of it for the time being they will ignore any signs of our presence because they will not fear it.

I hope you are right.

What do you wish to accomplish?

I need his identity, and to see what else is here.

There are prisoners, down in the dungeon.

Then we shall go there first. Let me know if you confirm his identity.

Continuing down the path, they entered the fortress. Almiel guided him through, avoiding detection by any presence there. Once she had to quickly pull him into the shadows as a group of Orcs trudged through the hallway they had recently vacated. She waited a minute before motioning them forward again. It got darker as they went deeper which was to be expected. Gandalf lit his staff so they could see, but it was still quite dim as neither dared light much which could have alerted some passing Orc to their presence.

Finally Almiel stopped him. We are there. There are few Orcs guarding them for they have no hope of rescue or escape.

I can get the Orcs to leave for a few minutes. However, to do it I need them to be oblivious to the sound of my voice.

I can take care of that. Almiel said.

Do so. Almiel nodded and Gandalf put out his light. He spoke a spell of unknown origins, at least to the Princess, and Almiel heard the movement stop below. Then it started again, but this time the sounds were coming toward them. It was a few minutes before three Orcs exited the dungeon and passed right next to them, not seeing the two shadows hidden in an impression in the wall. They were grumbling among themselves about something or other. When Almiel could not hear them anymore, she led Gandalf into the dungeon. He started to light his light, but put her hand on him and shook her head.

They fear light. She said. Wait here. She moved forward, and Gandalf was stuck waiting on her while she did whatever she was doing. It took her a good long while, but time was moot down here so he was not sure how long it actually was. She came back silently. You can turn on your light now, but dimly. They are weak. There are five prisoners left alive, and only two still feel strong enough to survive much longer. The other three are either bordering on insanity or already gone. I can try to heal them, one of them might be able to come back.

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