Shiki Natsumezaka x Reader (Fallen Angel)

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You were starving for purity once again. Everytime you gazed up at the endless sky, you could see them– angels– pitying you from above. You knew you didn't deserve it. You wanted to be an angel once again so badly– and you'd do anything to be one. 'But what are you now, (Y/N)? A demon? A devil?' You thought indecrously as you kicked a stand pole that loomed over your shadow. You didn't even want to hear that horrendous word; Devils. You despised sinful meanings and mistreated doings, but now you were one of them, and you could never return back.

You knew this place was filled with dangerous yet pure exorcists, but that was the reason you came here. You wanted die, but you were already dead, so you decided to live life to the fullest until one of them uses their magic to kill you. 'Although how can I? As one of them?' You remarked yourself.

You sighed as you straightened your lady like posture to it's limit. Were humans this endearing? They were kind and faithful, almost like an angel in disguise, but when everyone of the girls in your new class kept surrounding you, you just thought of it utterly annoying.

You tried looking past the crowd of people that surrounded the new devil in disguise, but saw the most mysterious thing you ought to know about.

You felt sweat dripping through your temples as you see more of the shady figure. You knew who it was at first– spotting his midnight purple hair, his pale face, and most especially his black impure wings– but you thought it was just your imaginations since he left out of your sight that quickly, and brushed the thought all away.


"Rika, what's wrong?" You asked, concerned. You've been worrying about her this whole day since she's been avoiding– everyone. Even if you were a devil, you still had an angel as a heart, and you always were.

"(Y/N) it true...?" She stuttered.

You flinched as she began crying. You knew exactly what she was asking, since you've already known that her friend was an exorcist. You thought hopelessly if she was going to kill you are not, but she shamefully didn't. You've wondered why, and you wanted to comfort Rika, but you realized that you were the one who caused this, and thought you should probably stay away.

"Rika...i'm sorry that I've lied to you. You could avoid me all you want, but please, just don't report me." You paused as you saw her clench her fist, and immediantly regretted spotting that. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand, so please–"

"How would you know that?!" She screamed, which you took in an utter surprise.

After awhile, you began stroking the ends of her hair and sighed loudly. "Because I'm a wouldn't want to understand a freak like me..."

Before you could hear her response, you scurried off the hallway, sobbing in endless flows of teara. In huge shame, you tried to fly out of the open window that grasped all the air in.

But once you tried to fly through the wanderlust sky, you forgot that your wings have been burned when you fell from heaven. And falling from the window felt just the same. You cringed into a tight ball– just waiting for the ground to hit you– but you felt a softer ground.

Once you open your eyes, you realize it isn't just a ground– it was him.

Shiki Natsumezaka– the third fallen angel.

"W-What are you doing?! Y-You–you–"  You sighed indecorously as his stare burned through your eyes.

"Why are you helping me...?" You mumbled.

It seemed that he heard you– in a terrible way. In a swift motion, he dropped you on a bush filled with roses and thorns. Thorns. You twitched in fury as a thousand of them stabbed through your body. You knew he was always like this– starving for painful reactions– and you weren't going to give in.

"Aw...such a delightful action wasted..." He sighed. Even if his words were sounding disappointing to him, he still smirked devilishly. You rolled your eyes as you tried to stand, but the painful experience soared enough through your body, and you quickly landed back down.

"You little–"

Before you could finish your sentence, Shiki flew below and started detaching the every speck of green bloodious thorns from your skin.

You first wanted to protest, but you realized this would make time to talk to him.

"W-Why did you drop me?" You slowly muttered, trying not to punch him in the face.

You didn't know if it made him angry, or just pissed, but he thrust a thorn in your neck once again in a more deeper, furious agony. You whimpered weakly in shame as you lightly tried to brush his hand off until he took it off personally.

You felt like throwing up on the sight of blood. You hated having to see people hurt, but you couldn't stand yourself being the victim even if you did want to die.

Your eyes connected with him as his hand forced you to tilt your chin upwards.

Feeling horrible nostalgia, Shiki motioned closer to you until you could feel his warm breath on your neck. You struggled to shove out of his grasp once he got a hold of your thoughts, but sadly, you hadn't had enough physical experience when you were still an angel. Slowly, he licked the wound that trickled down your throat like he wanted to savor it.

For a moment, you thought his emotions blended with yours; anxiety, worry, frightened, love. But you knew it was impossible, and you suddenly felt like crying.

You moaned in tears as his lick burned through your skin like burning metal– but somehow, you wanted more of it. He disappointingly let go of his tight grip, and slowly leaned his head on your heart. You furrowed your brow as you felt the abandoned scar on the side of your neck, not minding the faltering blush that stained your cheeks.

Being doubtly disappointed because he released you was shameful to your pure angel like thoughts, but you brushed the feeling away and glared furiously at his lips. You felt calm.

"Because we are the same..." he mumbled.

His sudden act of speaking surprised you, even if you did want to talk to him.

"...what?" You raised you brow questionably.

"We're both searching for a new path, to be accepted in a new place, where no one could judge us..."

You left your reaction as expressionless as he did once he fell from the sky– once he fell from the best thing in being dead yet alive– Being an angel. Sighing, you grabbed your thorn covered bag.

You walked past him, leaving him left on the painful ground with your bag on your shoulders, and without looking back, you smiled. "We're not the same, nor ever will be. You accepted being a devil, but I..." You waved goodbye. "I am still an angel."


'Shiki Natsumezaka.....I misunderstood him...'


Well thats a sucky ending xD
God I love Shiki, he's my bae xD I never wanted to share but whatever.
I have to admit that this wasn't really romance but whatever. Im the girl who wants to take things slow anyway xD Vote, comment, and request!

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